“You Look Great…For Your Age”| RoC Skincare

Yesterday was my birthday and I am now a 61 old woman who is constantly being complemented by people for how great I look for my age. When I told my friends in the interior design industry that it was my birthday, the first thing they ask is how old am I, followed by “You look great for your age!”
What exactly should a 61-year-old woman look like to society? Who set the guidelines of what we should look like as we add another year to our lives?
This post is sponsored by RoC Skincare, however, all opinions are my own.
A few weeks ago I was sent a brand new product from the French skincare company, RoC skincare to try and I loved the message that was sent in the package. More about my review of the new hydration creme in a minute.
The Conversation about Age
I have never hidden my age from anyone, but I am often complimented for looking good at 60. As well-meaning as those compliments are, I wonder what the person’s perceived notion is on aging? Is it dressing chic and stylish after 40? Or is it my fashion style that doesn’t look like I’m trying to be 20 again? Perhaps it is my long blonde hair that hides my grey hair?
People see my wrinkles, but my whole appearance is bright and stylish. My fashion style varies from classic to boho chic, but I don’t venture into clothes that don’t appeal to me. I have a really good idea what my fashion style is and I enjoy trying on clothes that are marketed to a younger crowd but still look good on a 50ish woman. I have fun wearing clothes of different styles but it is also a reflection of how I feel like a woman over 60.
One of my clients recently gave me the nicest compliment when she said she appreciates me as her interior designer, but she also likes the fact that I keep moving forward in life.
I am moving forward to experiencing new things and have the freedom to do so because my children are adults, my husband is semi-retired, and I now can do things for myself.
But it comes with perplexed looks on people’s faces.
Why am I writing a fashion and lifestyle blog at the age of 60? Why not, is my response.
I feel young and there are so many things to learn and explore before I can no longer enjoy them.
So here I am at 61 with good health and new opportunities, but I also believe I should be happy with how I look as I get older.
I don’t hide my wrinkles, but I don’t wear them like a badge of honor either. Some people choose to have surgery or injections, but I think you can look attractive while having wrinkles on your face. Just because I have wrinkles doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about having work done to my face. I have. It passes. Daily.
I don’t try to over analyze my face or my body after menopause, but accept that if I want to look a certain way, I have to take better care of myself. I wish I had taken better care of my skin when I was younger, but I am doing the most I can for myself today without surgery or injections.
The Importance of Embracing Your Age
Age is really about how you feel and what you do to make yourself happy and fulfilled. If you want to take up a new hobby or start a new career, age doesn’t matter.
You can’t stop the aging process, but you can embrace the aging process. More and more these days women are changing the perception of what age is.
What should a 60-year-old woman look like?
How you react to aging may be different than the way I react to aging. But let’s not judge each other, but accept our journeys.
Aging on My Terms
There are things I choose to do for myself because I want to age on my own terms.
- Eating smaller portions helps, as well as limiting sugar, and processed foods to a minimum. (Except for last night when I had the most delicious chocolate lava cake.)
- I exercise more now to keep my heart healthy and my body limber.
- I started wearing eyelash extensions when my eyelashes disappeared after menopause.
- My hair is blonde hair, not grey, I prefer it this way and so does my hairdresser.
- I wear brighter clothes and try to keep up with the latest fashion but I don’t try to look younger, just look good.
- My last secret weapon for looking good? I smile a lot and laugh often.
- I have been taking better care of my skin since my 50’s because my skin is drier and the elastin is gone.
The Importance of a Good Skincare Routine: RoC Retinol Correxion – Max- Daily Hydration Creme
I am to blame for the wrinkles on my face, but I notice a slight difference in my skin tone when I get a good night’s rest, drink water, and apply a great moisturizer with retinol.
My deep wrinkles will never go away (without surgery or injections) but my skin feels so much more hydrated.
When I was asked to review Roc’s latest hydration creme I was thrilled! I have been using the hydration creme for 3 weeks now and I am really happy with the creme.
I always read the ingredients that go into skincare lines like a good food recipe. My dermatologist tells me that I should be applying a retinol-based creme to my face every day and wear an SPF daily. Dermatologists consistently recommend retinol because the vitamin A derivative essentially teaches your skin to act young again, stimulating the collagen that prevents fine lines.
I have used RoC’s retinol products over the last 3 years and have been very pleased with the product. Did you know that RoC was the first company to sell over the counter retinol?
It is not as expensive as the retinol creams sold by dermatologists but is constantly winning awards in its field.
Thank you RoC for this sponsored post.
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What are you doing to feel good?
I hope you’re living your best life now and that age is just a number to you too!
I started my blog when I was 51 (3 years ago) and it has become my passion! I think it’s great that you’re blogging and having fun with it! Can I just say that you look great…! I love your blog and that you are talking about how fabulous women can be at any age! Thanks for a great post!
I would love you to send me your blog link so that I may follow you!
Thank you for your kind words.
Happy New Year!
“You can’t stop the aging process, but you can embrace the aging process. More and more these days women are changing the perception of what age is.”
Amen! You look fantastic and you wear your wrinkles well, but I think your inner beauty is what shines through the most. 🙂 You know who you are and where your headed; there is nothing more attractive than that! Thanks for this inspiring post. Happy New Year!
Thank you Camille!
It’s a difficult to understand what a woman should look like and how we should act when we hit our 50’s. I love embracing midlife and trying new things.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting !
Happy New Year!
Ugh. I can’t stand when people tell me I look great for my age. Obviously, they haven’t noticed my turkey neck! But still, that saying is so vulgar and rude. My pro-aging self has days where I KNOW I look fabulous and other days where I know I look a bit tired. It’s all part of this life we lead.
ROC products. I love them and whenever I’m in Paris I load up at CityPharma. I still have one tube of a product –deep wrinkle cream, which I love and am nursing it until I get back.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXO!!!
Yes, I agree we wear our wrinkles with pride but we still dress sharp and not “old”.
Our happiness factor puts us back to 40ish..
I was frightened at how wrinkled my face has become over the years, but it’s because I didn’t take care of it let alone put on sunscreen!
So I’m playing catch up with taking better care of my skin and really like RoC because I am not paying over $100.00 for a good product.
Merry Christmas!