Taking Care of My Skin with Trilipiderm

You know I have mentioned in previous posts how dry my skin is due to aging (menopause) and the years of sun worshipping? I have been fortunate to review skin care companies focused only on anti aging facial treatments until I was contacted in February by Trilipiderm, a botanically based line of hydrating skincare products based in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Not one word about anti aging, only hydration! Thank goodness they found me!Trilipiderm is a line of dry skin products ranging from a body oil to a day crΓ¨me with SPF 30, a night crΓ¨me, and all-body crΓ¨mes with and without SPF 30 sunscreen in them created byΒ Frank Fanning who owned and ran a Chicago-based company that made skincare products for brands from L’Oreal to Shiseido. He developed Trilipiderm after β€œretiring” to Jackson. He says, β€œThere’s only so much golf you can play,” and he saw that the moisturizers that had worked just fine for him back in Chicago didn’t hold up against Jackson’s extreme climate. β€œIf our products can keep skin hydrated here in Jackson, they’ll work anywhere,” he says. And this super protection comes without a greasy, heavy feeling.

I have been using the skin products for 6 weeks and I absolutely enjoyed them!

As we get older we need to keep our skin hydrated because we begin to see wrinkles and crepey skin forming around the age of 40 becauseΒ  we have lostΒ collagen and elastin and the older we get our skin becomes thin and fragile.

Even my dermatologist thought my skin was in great shape (even though I have sun damage) when I went to have my annual skin exam. I have skin cancer in my family, I have fair skin, and I sunbathe. I see my dermatologist every March before I start spending time outdoors on the golf course or at the beach. I also noticed some new spots on my body which concerned me. My doctor informed me that I had seborrheic keratoses not moles that were appearing on my skin. These growths are often found on older adults, and they don’t know if they are related to sun damage or lack of estrogen.

She thought my skin looked and felt very hydrated and was surprised to learn about Trilipiderm.

Every year I end up having a few spots removed but so far no skin cancer.

I am learning to take better care of my skin as I have gotten older and wear products that have a SPF 30 built into the creme. Trilipiderm has an All Body Moisture Retention Creme with Vitamin D that has SPF 30 in it and my favorite is the Daily Creme that is rich in Hyaluronic Acid. It promotes intense hydration while protecting skin from the harmful rays of the sun. It’s also enriched with Vitamins A, C , D and E to maintain healthy skin metabolism around the clock.

I spend a lot of time in the sun whether in my pool, at the beach in Hilton Head, and golfing so I appreciate the SPF 30 in the products I have been using.

This year I am going to take better care of my skin ,not just my face. I can’t believe how dry and crepey my skin has become.Β  Crepey skin is caused by years of sun damage. Shame on me! I also think genetics plays a big part on how dry your skin can be after 50ish. My darling husband is Italian and has no wrinkles or crepey skin! He sits in the sun for hours but niente!Β Β Lui Γ¨ cosΓ¬ fortunato!!!

It’s nice to know my skin is protected with built in sunscreen even at 7:00 in the morning when I walk with Bruno on the beach. I never wear sunscreen in the morning but I wear lotion!

And now when I golf at 9:00 in the morning I will apply the day creme and use sunscreen on my arms and legs on top of the all body moisture retention creme.

I still will play golf every Wednesday but with more added protection. Maybe Frank will fly in from Jackson Hole and play a round of golf with me!

Care to try Trilipiderm? You can find it here.

Thank you Trilipiderm for the collaboration! My review of this product is honest and the opinion is my own.

I hope you’re taking care of your dry skin and using a hydration skin care product!

I would love to know!


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  1. I Girlfriend got one of this too. Thanks for the share. Now I know all about it πŸ˜‰

    1. HelloIm50ish says:

      Thank you for your comment.
      I’m glad you know all about it.


  2. Hi Robin
    I enjoyed you throughough review and believe in taking care of my skin too. My skin is normal, not dry, but I could see how these benefit! I certainly do not go without sunscreen and do some of the crazy stuff I did when I was 20! Sounds like a great line, I’ll check it out!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Jess xx

    1. HelloIm50ish says:


      Yes, I have been better at wearing sunscreen the last 5 years on my face because I saw the damage the sun has done.
      I used to hate wearing suntan lotion on my face because it was heavy and greasy but now I’m using the daily creme with built in SPF 30. So much nicer!

      You have a great weekend too !


  3. Thank you for your detailed review. I think my mum would truly enjoy using these products, and it would be a great present for her. I love the pictures you posted in this article. πŸ™‚

    1. HelloIm50ish says:


      Yes, I think your mum would enjoy reading my review.
      It’s a wonderful skincare product for women who may have dry skin and need more hydration!


  4. love that orange!! i am in my 40s now and am starting to realize i need to work on taking better care of my skin too so definitely helps

    1. HelloIm50ish says:

      Thank you for your comments!
      Yes, I am glad you are aware that we need to start taking care of our skin because it’s the only one we’ve got!


  5. Trilipiderm sounds like an amazing product! Your skin looks much fresher and healthier now that you have been using the product! πŸ™‚

    1. HelloIm50ish says:

      Thank you Patricia!
      I think we should hydrate inside and out to take better care of our skin!


  6. I am always look for the next best skin care especially since I’m in my 40’s. So I will definitely be checking this cream out! Thanks!

    1. HelloIm50ish says:


      I hope you try it and let me know what you think!


    1. HelloIm50ish says:


      You and I both started too late, but I can only blame myself with all the time I spend in the sun.
      Would love to hear what you’re doing for your skin my friend!


  7. It’s amazing how important our skin has become since we’ve gotten older. I always love checking out new products, so thanks for the intro!!

    1. HelloIm50ish says:

      You have beautiful skin Jodie!
      I am curious of what brands you use?


    1. HelloIm50ish says:

      Thank you for stopping by!
      I hope you’re taking good care of your skin!
