How to Find Your Happy Place

Ladies, do you have a happy place or places that make you happy?
I asked this question on Instagram yesterday and received many responses from women who follow me on Instagram.
Finding a happy place is different for many people. It can be your home, a special room in your home, your garden, your family, or your favorite place that makes you happy. Your happy place is where you are relaxed, happy, and stressfree. It can also be many places or one singular place that makes you happy.
Self-care and happiness are important as we get older because they prevent depression and health issues.
Travel to New Places
My husband and I love to travel to new places and cross off destinations on our bucket list. As empty-nesters, we have the opportunity now to travel more and have more free time to travel. Because we are blessed with good health, we appreciate being able to travel and see places all over the world. Being over 60 we don’t take life for granted as we did in our 30’s. So many things can occur in a blink of an eye that changes everything forever. When my husband asked me to fly to Barcelona recently I didn’t even hesitate. I set everything aside to be with him and see the world together.
Even taking weekend getaways are happy places I treasure. Exploring places and cities in the United States is a wonderful way to be happy and rejuvenate your spirit.
Asheville was on our bucket list.
Another happy place for me is our beachfront condo in Hilton Head. Looking at the ocean or being at the beach was a popular happy place for many people who responded to my question on Instagram.
Or in my backyard by the pool and near my garden.
Do an activity that you love
I am not good at golf but I enjoy being with my friends and being outdoors thinking about nothing but trying to hit a little ball all over a beautifully manicured lawn. Some of you may enjoy knitting or reading a good book, but find an activity that makes you happy.
Create a Happy Place in Your Home
Our homes are an extension of who we are: what we do within the walls of our homes shapes our mood, affects our productivity and influences our outlook on life. As an interior designer, I am constantly creating happy homes for my clients to come home to. I wrote about creating a perfect relaxation space in your home.
If you need a place to get away to do what you love, make it happen! A private space doesn’t have to be small, but it does have to be furnished with your favorite things. Create an area of your home dedicated to switching off and unwinding – and you don’t even have to carve out a room, it could be a small reading corner.
Is Family Your Happy Place?
Nothing is more precious than being around your family and for many of us, it’s our happy place.
Nothing brings me greater joy now than being with our little granddaughter on a daily basis as we’ve been living in a generational home for a while. They sold their house and we had them move in with us while they searched for a bigger home in Atlanta. Livie is my happy place now and it’s been a joy having her in our house and smiling her big special smiles at me.
Does Shopping make you happy?
Since it’s Memorial Day weekend there are lots of wonderful sales going on. Many of you think shopping is your happy place. But it’s not what we buy that makes us happy it’s the shopping experience and the anticipation of the reward to come.
You can shop my look if it makes you happy!
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The beauty of happiness is that it is subjective as well as a state mind. With the right perspective, your happy place will be easier to find. The next time you find yourself in your favorite place, take some time to savor the moments.
I hope you enjoyed my happy places and I would love to hear from you what makes you happy.
Thank you for stopping by!
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Have a great weekend!
Robin, what a beautiful post! I have so many happy places and activities! Actually one of my favorite times and places is the early morning hours sitting in the corner of my couch (my spot) and reading my favorite blogs with my coffee! And Asheville is on my bucket list, too, so I booked a trip there in July! I cannot wait! I am starting to travel a bit more and make time for myself to do the things I love. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas on the topic!
I can envision you sitting alone in your favorite spot reading blogs with your coffee!
You will absolutely love Asheville! What a magnificent estate! I loved the gardens the most.
Let’s compare notes in July!
My happy place is being with my family first and the beach gets second place. I guess if you are a positive person you will try find happiness where you can. Love your posts Robin xxxx
That is so true about being a positive person!
You create your own happiness everyday!
This is perfect for me, thank you! I’m ready to indulge in some fun, I just finished a blog post and that always makes me want to celebrate a little bit! So I think I will take a country drive- maybe take the dog with me! My husband is out of town this weekend so its quiet here but its all good!
I bet you have many happy places!
Being alone in a car for a drive can be a very happy place!
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
When I read your question on Instagram, I wasn’t coming up with one answer..But now, your post has my answer. “ If we are lucky 🍀 our happy place can be many places.” Then we are truly blessed.
Thanks for this thought provoking post.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Yes our happy places can be many things and places where we find the most happiness. I bet your dogs bring you great happiness!
Found you on the Facebook group. Agree with it all. I can be at the beach in minutes and it’s my happy place.
I am happy you stopped by my blog !
Many of us think the beach is our happy place too!