How to Remove Facial Hair for Women

Every day I have a ritual of inspecting my face before applying my makeup to see if any little hairs have cropped up.
As I have gotten older, my magnifying mirror has become my magical mirror showing me things I don’t want to see, like the dark hairs in the corner of my upper lip or the light fuzz on my face. I was okay with the one chin hair years ago, but now I study my face every day to see if there is hair that needs to be removed before I head out the door.
I remember my husband’s grandmother, at the age of 90, coming into my kitchen and asking me to pluck her facial hairs because her hands were too shaky to hold the tweezer. Now I find myself searching for facial hair removal options.
The increase in facial hair may be accompanied by thinning scalp hair. Mother Nature and Father Time seem to have a cruel sense of humor when it comes to where hair grows on women (and men) as we age.
Facial Hair Removal Options
I have tried waxing, but I think the salons get a little carried away with excessive waxing, and I’m not a fan of waxing my eyebrows or upper lip. It involves ripping the hair out at the root, which could be painful but leaves no chance of coarse stubble. Although waxing your own face can be tricky, it can surely be done with some practice. However, I prefer going to a salon for waxing. And one of the biggest advantages of waxing is that the more you do it, the finer your hair should become each time it grows back.
Depilatory creams
Hair removal or depilatory creams are a great option for removing patches of facial hair. Such hair removal creams, gels, and lotions affect hair’s protein structure, causing them to dissolve and be easily wiped away. Specially designed for facial hair removal, these creams also smooth, exfoliate, and moisturize the face for a wholesome experience. Depilatory creams are great for upper lip hair removal at home.
My daughter loves to have her eyebrows threaded, but even that requires expertise. Threading is most commonly used for eyebrow shaping since it allows you to be ultra-precise with which hairs you are removing. But, it can also be used on your upper lip, chin, and any other facial area. This process involves the use of threads and can be painful for some people. Also, threading isn’t recommended for removing hair around your lip.
One of the best home remedies for hair removal is tweezing. It is an effective and inexpensive way to remove facial hair and works slightly differently than shaving. Instead of removing hair with a razor blade, tweezers are designed to pluck or pull hair from the roots. Although tweezing works on all areas and types of facial hair, it is particularly useful when shaping the eyebrows.
Shaving is one of the fastest and easiest ways to remove hair and continue your day. Whether using a disposable razor or an electric shaver, both have a built-in blade that lifts and cuts hair at the skin’s surface. Shaving is one of the fastest and easiest ways of facial hair removal for women over 50. It is a pain-free way to remove facial hair, but not ideal. There is always a risk of dark stubble left behind or a skin rash, and there is a probability that the hair will grow back more thickly since the blade lifts and cuts hair only at the skin’s surface.
I loved the opportunity to try the Finishing Touch Flawless products.
Flawless by Finishing Touch Flawless – is a revolutionary new beauty device that erases hair instantly and painlessly without the irritation of plucking, waxing, or depilatories. Flawless is discreet, designed to look like a lipstick, and contains the finest German engineered technology that microscopically removes hair. Featuring an 18K gold plated head, Flawless is hypoallergenic and gentle on all skin types.
This little wand can be highly addictive because I was so happy watching my chin hair disappear that I could have run it all over my face, which is not a good idea. I believe we should target the unwanted hairs and not the peach fuzz that also comes with the loss of estrogen.
Recently I shared with you my experience with dermaplaning in this post.
Dermaplaning is a procedure that exfoliates your skin and gets rid of dirt and vellus hair, better known as “peach fuzz“. It’s different from dermabrasion, where an aesthetician or doctor uses a high-speed, rotating brush to exfoliate the skin. With dermaplaning, they use a scalpel or a tool called a dermatome. It’s literally shaving your face. However, I prefer to have a professional shave my face.
Laser Treatments for Facial Hair Removal
A big problem with many hair removal methods is that the results are temporary and only last a few weeks. For longer results, laser hair removal can be considered as one of the best methods to remove facial hair permanently. It is a medical procedure that uses a concentrated beam of light converted into heat to destroy the hair follicles.
I haven’t tried any laser treatments, the most costly hair removal techniques. Laser treatments also tend to darken the skin.
What are you doing for unwanted facial and body hair? I would love to know!
Until next time!
This post has been updated. It contains affiliate links that may earn income for Hello I’m 50ish.
The information is easy to understand and comprehensive, with step-by-step instructions.
I don’t have much hair to remove on my face yet (except one long hair that grows from a mole on my chin) but I love the way the Flawless product worked for you, and will definitely consider it. Visiting from Fun Fashion Friday 🙂
Hello new friend!
Thank you for stopping by today!
I hope this blog post has enlightened you with how women are dealing with the extra facial hair growth as we get older.
Hi Robin
That product for the eyebrows sounds interesting! I like the concept. I get my eyebrows threaded and love this technique, as waxing would leave me with little red bumps and irritated skin. I use a razor for just some hairs by my lips and it doesn’t come back coarse.
Have a great weekend!
jess xx
My daughter loves having her eyebrows threaded too!
It seems the dermatologist may be wrong about hairs coming in coarser after shaving.
I also hate the little red bumps and irritated skin after waxing so I was looking for an alternative solution.
Hugs always,
Hello from another Robin! You didn’t mention bleaching. I have very dark hair and quite fair skin. As I have gotten older I have noticed more of the dreaded chin hairs, which I pluck and some random dark ones on my neck and cheeks. (WEIRD!) Most of my adult life however, I have been bleaching the hair on my upper lip. They seem especially noticeable this time of year and later in the winter as I lose what little color I have gained in the summer months. (Despite having dark hair and eyes, I don’t tan well or easily). I have been using Sally Hansen Facial Hair bleach for years. It doesn’t bother my extremely sensitive skin and typically bleaches all but the most stubborn of hairs.
Hello another Robin!
Yes, I totally forgot about bleaching facial hair! Thank you for reminding my readers!
I think women after menopause see a lot of facial hair growth and prefer the fuzzy face hairs to go away.
I have noticed in the last couple of years extra facial hairs and thought this was the way it was going to be until I received these products and did research of extra hair growth after menopause.
Another part of the aging process we must deal with!
Thank you for stopping by!
The dreaded facial hair! I have been shaving my face every day for several years – do it first thing in the morning upon waking before I head to the gym. It works well and exfoliates, I haven’t had any issue with hair growing back more coarse. I do struggle with my eyebrows though – I am horrible at plucking and the salons do get carried away with waxing, this device might just be the thing to try!
Until I was doing research for this blog post, I had no idea women were shaving their faces!
So much secrecy about our personal grooming habits.
My eyebrows have thinned out since menopause and I hate having them waxed.
Fun little gadgets you will enjoy!
Hi Robin. Funny I have a half written post on hair removal, that I have not got around to finishing. I have used laser on any facial hairs for the last 13 or 14 years. Very successful. I find I need to shave my legs only once a week now and never under the arms any more. When I get around to mine I must link to your post. xxx
I was wondering if I would ever write about this topic of unwanted facial hair, but it’s part of midlife isn’t it?
I have never tried laser treatments, did your skin pigmentation get darker?
Yes, link my blog post to yours when you get around to finishing it!