Is Your Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

Is Your Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

Ladies, let me ask you a question today. How do you look at your life right now during the coronavirus pandemic? Are you adapting to the changes or panicking about the pandemic? How you view this social distancing can also be how you see a glass filled with water. Is it half-full or half-empty?

This post has been updated.

The other day I was watching The View while working out in my gym and all the co-hosts were discussing how they were staying connected with friends and family while staying at home. Joy Behar has been self quarantining at home for the last two weeks and Sunny Hostin was telling everyone what a wonderful weekend she had on Zoom parties with her friends.Β  Joy then asked Sunny what meds she was on? Sunny’s response was she’s always been a person with a glass half full personality.

What’s the Difference Between Glass Half Full or Glass Half Empty Personalities?

Are you a person who views the situation optimistically or hopefully? You would be considered a glass half full personality. Or do you have the pessimistic viewβ€”that the glass is half empty? The more you view a situation that has a negative outlook the less you will look for a positive solution. If you feel defeated you will become defeated. Negative energy creates a negative outlook.

OptimistsΒ tend to look on the bright side. They areΒ hopefulΒ andΒ searchΒ for the good even in bad situations. Pessimists, on the other hand, tend to be more negative. While some pessimists will claim they’re merely being realists, they do usuallyΒ searchΒ for and find the blackΒ cloudΒ behind every silver lining.

Do you have a Glass Half Full or Half Empty Personality?

We all face obstacles. However, how weΒ respondΒ to those obstacles can make all the difference in the world. Optimists tend to see obstacles asΒ opportunities. As a result, optimists who expect good things to happen will take actions that lead to positive results.

Glass Half Empty Personality

Pessimists, meanwhile, can be easilyΒ stymiedΒ by obstacles. When they expect negative results, they often fail to do the types of things that could’veΒ minimized or prevented those negative results.

On the other hand, glass-half-empty thinkers tended to be more laid-back, more introverted, more serious and more proud than their half-full counterparts. Oddly enough, glass-half-empty thinkers don’t always self-identify as pessimists.

People who are more optimistic tend to be more proactive about their health such as being more physically active and living a healthier lifestyle.Β 

The Benefits of a Glass Half Full Personality

Positivity comes to many of us because we are hard-wired that way. I have always been a glass half full person. People who are more optimistic tend to be more proactive about their health such as being more physically active and living a healthier lifestyle.Β  They also tend to experience less of the effects of super stress that is plaguing our world today during this coronavirus pandemic.Β  Stress can cause many health problems, and when you lower stress levels, you’ll find that you are much healthier.

Being optimistic doesn’t mean that you ignore the stress in your life. Even as we shelter in place you are coping with the social distancing by being productive at home. You’ve developed coping mechanisms that allow you to deal with the emotions you are feeling now in a more productive way. Optimism allows you to reduce the feelings of sadness, depression, and anxiety during the pandemic

People who are more optimistic tend to be more proactive about their health such as being more physically active and living a healthier lifestyle.Β 

How to Stay Positive During the Coronavirus

With all the news about the coronavirus outbreak, it’s only natural to worry about our well-being and safety, and that of our loved ones. We are experiencing an event, unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before. The world-changing pandemic is changingΒ our perception of living our best lives now.

While staying at home minimize watching the news and enjoy watching your favorite shows. Are you staying in touch with your family and friends on a regular basis? Here’s a post I wrote about enjoying your time while staying at home.

Getting outside and walking are are wonderful health benefits and can lift your mood.

How to stay positive during the coronavirus pandemic.

According to a study published in Clinical Psychology Review, optimism is closely linked to resilience. “Optimism has been shown to create physical and mental resilience for people, even those who have been through extraordinarily traumatic life circumstances or medical situations.”

Having a positive attitude will help relieve stress

But what if you can change the outcome by changing your mindset?

Expecting good things to happen will lead to taking actions that produce positive results. Expecting only more bad stuff to come your way will keep you from doing the very things that might have minimized or avoided just that!

Joining me today on my blog post are other women sharing their posts on how to stay positive during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Kim of For a Good Life After 50
Phyllis of FollowPhyllis
Kuel Life
Angie of Act Your Style
Kay of Dressed for My Day

Patty Gale wrote a wonderful article aboutΒ personal and financial self-care.

Thank you for stopping by today!

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  1. kimcook84 says:

    Definitely a half glass full girl here! Thank you for including me in this post!

  2. Robin, I love this post! I have always been a glass half full kind of person, but in the past few years I have definitely shifted to the kind of person who is just happy I have a glass at all! I am not sure what that says about me except I have learned to practice daily gratitude for even the smallest things. And it is serving me well right now. I have not experienced an ounce of panic or anxiety in recent weeks. Only some minor frustrations and aggravation when I start scrolling through the overabundant nonsense on social media channels. I cannot seem to get through all of the negativity to reach the positive stuff, so I am choosing to lay very low at this moment in time. And I am so, so comfortable with that decision. Thanks for continuing to be a source of uplifting things!


    1. Shelbee,

      What a lovely compliment!
      I seem to have only focused on following women on social media who are genuinely kind and sincere in their words and actions.
      I also have limited my TV time since the coronavirus outbreak took over our lives.
      I watch updates then turn off the television to read.
      I also enjoy our spring blossoms in Atlanta which will eventually show up in New York. Spring flowers will also life your spirits!

      Hugs my friend,

  3. mireilleftm says:

    I usually see things with a positive outlook. I definitely do not watch the news much because that just adds a lot of stress. I am trying to be patient and pray that summer will bring our lives back to normal.

    1. I pray that summer we will be free to roam around and get back to normal.
      I do find I have time now to read books and clean closets!

      Happy Easter!

  4. Such an interesting post! I am a half-full kind of a person. I always try to find the silver lining in situations and when it is out of my control, it’s just that out of my control. I just change my mindset so that all the negativity surrounding an obstacle doesn’t affect my life or those around me. I hope you had a great weekend and happy Monday!

    Maureen |

    1. Maureen,
      What a perfect way at looking at life!
      Yes, when things are not in our control we must accept and adjust to the situation.
      Negative thoughts are so bad for our health!

      Happy Easter!

  5. thestylesplash says:

    I’m staying positive and taking one day at a time, although I do have the occassional wobble, but I shake it off quickly. I just remember that I have a nice home, enough food and plenty to occupy myself with. My daughter is missing school and her friends but the upside is that we get to spend lots of time together. Stay safe xx


    1. HelloIm50ish says:


      Thank you for stopping by!
      Even a pandemic has a silver lining and I’m so glad you’re en joying your time with your daughter.

      Stay safe and positive my friend!


    1. HelloIm50ish says:

      Thank you Julie!

      Stay safe and keep being positive!

  6. I am always looking for the Best is Yet to Come! That is not to say that I have not had periods in my life when I was overwhelmed. But, I have discovered with age and experience that there is always more good to come and the glass is only half full!

    1. HelloIm50ish says:

      So true Rosemary!
      As I’ve gotten older I’ve become more positive about the way I look at things in my life.
      Life is too short to be a pessimist!


  7. I’ve always tried to find the positive by staying in the moment. Letting my thoughts get too far ahead only create fear.

    Stay Healthy and Safe,

    1. HelloIm50ish says:

      So true Nancy!
      Having a positive attitude is such a wonderful way to handle stress and fear!
      Enjoy your walks too!


  8. I think you summed it up perfectly:Negative energy creates a negative outlook. I always stay positive, and I’m using this time to reconnect with friends and find new ways of doing things. It’s actually feels like a calm time in one way because things have slowed down so much. Take care!

    1. HelloIm50ish says:

      Then you have a glass half full personality!
      In the first time in years I am actually reading more which is what I do when I’m on vacation!
      This slow living has been a time of reflection for me.
      My only regret is not being with my children and granddaughter during this sheltering in place.

      Stay well my friend!

  9. Hi Robin
    Yes, that is lousy about the country club. I can relate to this post, as at 40, was when I was diagnosed with EDS and was seeing many specialists trying to get relief and manage my illness. It could have been easy to slip into negativity, anger .etc. but I didn’t want to live life like that and believe attitude can help immensely.

  10. closetplayimage says:

    That’s just atrocious about the country club! So glad I found you through Jess’ Link-Up! I’ve always been a positive person (except in a few rough patches) and am thankful for that and my resilience. Looking into the summit in Atlanta; I’m just down the road! We will just have come through a family wedding, so I am not sure a summit is in the cards this fall.

  11. I try to stay positive and think I am a cup half full person. I realise that some people have more than their fair share of heartbreak and it must be difficult to see any happiness ahead. But there is always somebody worse off! Great post Robin xxx

    1. Hilda,

      I am sure you are a half full person even when you’re facing difficulties.
      My daughter simply said to me that she is just happy with having a glass…..

      Hugs always,

    1. HelloIm50ish says:


      Thank you.
      Lately I have been seeing a lot of women struggling and feeling defeated about their lives right now.
      I wonder if they feel their cup is half empty and feel defeated about their situation.
      I truly believe having a positive attitude helps with many serious illnesses and believing there is a light at the end of the tunnel gives many people hope.
