Fashion over 50: Inside or Outside?

I have a dilemma when trying to wear shirts tucked in only in the front and letting the rest hangout in the back?
I know it’s trendy, but what do you think looks better? Inside or outside?
I purchased this denim shirt last year from Chico’s and never thought to wear the front tucked in only even though the front is shorter than the back. I bought it because I love all the buttons on the back. Because of the short front, it was an easy decision to do a front tuck.
I know it’s fashionable to front tuck your shirt, but I have never thought it would look good on this 50ish body. I am still struggling with my 50ish belly not being flat and wearing a shirt tucked in shows my poochy tummy.
Trust me, I know I’m being petty about my figure, but it still shocks me that it morphed into my mother’s body when I hit menopause.Ā (Her body still shocks her as an 82 year old woman.)
I think you need to have a soft draping fabric to make it work for the front tuck. I have tried my starchy shirts and they don’t work in a front tuck, but would if tucked in all the way.
This shirt is extremely soft and it looks good in or out.
Aren’t these multi colored sandals from Nordstrom fabulous?
I would love to know if you have embraced the front tuck fashion trend or still wearing your shirts out.
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I struggle with the same issue, and I find my shirts look best untucked. I love your comment about your body morphed into your mother’s body when you hit menopause. I can totally relate. I saw some photos of myself and I was shocked and horrified at how much I looked like my mom. I think you look fabulous both tucked in and tucked out. I think we are our own worst critics. That top is fabulous, I love the soft draping and the back. Both ways you styled it are lovely.
Thank you for your kind comments.
Yes, we are our worst critics but it was such a shocker when I hit menopause!
So I’m exercising and trying to watch my portions ( I refuse to diet because I love food!) and embracing my new body by wearing clothes that look great while still hiding my flaws!
Thanks for linking up to our Ageless Style Linkup party. Great shirt. I like this timeless look.
Thank you for the opportunity.
I’ve never done a link up before!
Hi Robin, so glad I discovered your blog dear. I love a good chambray top and yours is fabulous! Such cute floral shorts, too.
Welcome by my blog too and linkup with me tomorrow. A new linkup is live on Thursdays but I am doing it a day early this week. Thanks, Ada. =)
Thank you for your lovely comments.
I like leaving it tucked better. I would try it both ways and see what you like .
Thanks Debra!
I still leave my shirts out but a front tuck isn’t so bad.
I’m a non-tucker, but I love a high-low top, and your front tuck reminds me of that. I like this top on you either way (I know that’s no help to you, sorry!)
Yes this fashion trend is still the rage but I have a lot of high low tops that I might front tuck.
Let’s do tuck! Tuck tuck bo buck bo nana fana fo……I think that the front tuck with the white pants looks fantastic. Listen. My stomach looks like a blowfish ballooned out to capicity and I have been known to THINK I was rocking the front tuck until my daughter showed me that I had to pouf out the fabric a bit and then make sure the untuck was a bit to the side…
It’s a lot of work to be trendy. But seriously. I LOVE that Chicos top and the buttons in the back!! I actually like the front tuck better than no tuck at all. Good tuck to you Robin!!! XOXOXOXOXO
As always Catherine,I love it when you stop by my blog!
I appreciate your comments!
I do the partial tuck a lot. I find that it works best with draping material and I always wear a belt that peaks out at the top.
I agree Shellie.
Now I need to buy skinny belts!
I too, have the same problem…tummy is the largest part of my body. I have found that the side pocket tuck, works the best for me. It brings the eye down a little farther on my tummy and smooths things out in that area. I am much more comfortable when tucking in tee shirts. Making the tees more form fitting without being too tight.
You are the second person to recommend a side pocket tuck!
I think I will try it next time.
The half tuck looks modern, and i think is more flattering on you.
Thank you for your comments.
I appreciate you stopping by today!
Hi Robin, I’ve had this dilemma all my life since I’m short waisted. It can be pulled off if you keep it slim on the bottom, such as tapered pants and a low waist line, which creates a leaner look. I think the “V” neckline is perfect and your smile definitely perfects the look š
Yes, I like low waistline pant too.
I have to watch my V necks, so that I don’t have too much cleavage showing!
I appreciate you stopping by today!
I have found if I do more of a side tuck, I like it ok. I think it gives more of an asymmetrical look, for me any way. I haven’t tried it with a buttoned shirt though.
My stiff button downs don’t work in a front tuck, but this shirt is so soft and drapes really well.
I struggle with this at times too, Robin!!
But I do like some tucking only because it adds a little interest!! Have you tried tucking into your front pockets of your jeans? I just found this method and think it’s almost perfect!!
No I haven’t tried tucking in a front pocket.
Thanks! I’ll try that next!