Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

Have you had a chance to watch this fabulous show featuring women over the age of 70; Grace and Frankie? They spend each episode discussing real-life issues of women after middle age, Β coping with divorce, their ex-husbands, dating, sex after menopause, age discrimination, and starting a second career after midlife while looking absolutely fabulous?

I finally subscribed to Netflix after looking at hilarious trailers of this wonderfully written television show featuring Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin. The writers also wrote for Friends, which can only mean this would be fabulous and witty.

The Premise behind Grace and Frankie:

Robert (Martin Sheen) and Sol (Sam Waterston) are both divorce lawyers in the same law firm who have been secret lovers for years and announce to their wives at dinner they want to get a divorce and marry, each other….

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

From that first episode, I was hooked.

The women are polar opposites in personality and fashion style. They are also women dealing with the aging process, dating after 70, and age discrimination when they realize they are invisible to young people and banks that won’t risk giving them a 10-year loan because they are 70.

Meet Frankie

Frankie, played by Lily Tomlin, Β is a pot-smoking, organic earth mother, yoga lovin’, a hippie art teacher who had to move in with Grace, a retired cosmetics mogul after learning their husbands were lovers. She has frank discussions on sex after 70 and even makes her own yam lube which is hilarious if it wasn’t true for women after menopause.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

Grace and Frankie at first don’t like each other, but they are surviving divorces as roommates in the beach house now owned by Grace as part of the divorce settlement.

Meet Grace

Grace, played by Jane Fonda, Β on the other hand, is uptight and perfectly styled. She has everything in her home-styled perfectly and in one episode she returned to her former home she shared with Robert and was upset to see a fuzzy ottoman in the formal living room with the glass coffee table pushed out of the way. She was ready to rearrange the room until it dawned on her that the ottoman was placed by the sofa for a reason so that Robert and Sol could sit next to each other with their feet up on the ottoman. At that moment she knew Robert really loved Sol. Poignant moments are sprinkled into every episode.

The perfect female odd couple that has me laughing and smiling at every episode. So many humourous truthful moments happen in this show.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

I was actually hooked on the series as an over 50 interior designer way before I actually sat down this summer for a “Grace and Frankie marathon” on the rainy days we are having in Atlanta.

Beauchamp Fontaine is the reason I wanted to watch this show. Her work on the series was featured on Houzz.

As an interior designer, I appreciate other designer’s work and Beauchamp is an extremely talented set designer.

Beauchamp Fontaine
Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?
Beauchamp Fontaine
Beauchamp Fontaine

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

This honest look at two women over 70 resonates with me as a woman over 60. They talk about matters that we all face after menopause.

Frankie has a hard time letting go of her relationship with Sol as he does with her.

I love that these women embrace their second act and try to support each other as women aging gracefully and at full throttle.

Frankie’s Style:

Frankie is all boho chic and I love her hats! Big chunky jewelry and lots of layers that flow. I love the way she dresses and take notes on the layers she wears. I have been a fan of boho chic for a few years but she takes it up a notch.


Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?
Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?
NY Times

Related Posts:

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Grace’s style:

She is the queen of popped collars and classic fashion style. I am so happy she wears popped collars, I do too! And sweaters over the shoulders! Classic ageless style is how I would define her look. Her clothing is high-end and tailored.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?
Not to give away too much, but you will certainly enjoy Frankie’s artwork. I won’t spoil it for you but the art is wonderful and the episodes are hilarious!

I happen to dress like both women so I really enjoy watching this show on so many levels. (I need to know where to buy Frankie’s fabulous hats!)

My “Frankie’s Boho style”

I love funky clothes and large jewelry together. There is something youthful about wearing boho-chic fashion.

The Bohemian Summer

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

The Bohemian Look- Is this Fashion Style Right for you?

My “Grace’s Classic Style”

I dress more formally for work and when going out for dinner. I present a different look as a businesswoman but I like looking polished and classy. Most of my classic chic outfits are from Chico’s. I like to look beautiful as well as comfortable and Chico’s always has something in their store that works for me.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

Chico's GirlFriends, Literally.

Woman Crush Wednesday: Have you Met Grace and Frankie?

I hope you get a chance to watch this show or perhaps you are already a big fan of Grace and Frankie.

Thanks for stopping by!
I would love to hear from you!

I would love to know your thoughts on the show and which fashion style you like.
Follow me onΒ Instagram,Β Twitter,Β Facebook,Β Houzz, andΒ PinterestΒ too!



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    1. Jolain,

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      I will check out your blog post!
      Thank you for stopping by!
