What is Your Real Age Not Your Birth Age?

We know that “age is just a number” as we age. Yes, sixty is the new forty, but did you ever wonder if your physiological age is younger or older than your actual chronological age? PPhysiological age is the rate at which you’re aging physically, whereas your chronological age is simply the number of birthdays you’ve celebrated. Are you older or younger than your chronological age?
There’s more flexibility with your pcal ageβwhich is both good and bad. While you might have the power to reverse it and shave a few years off of your biological age, you can also speed things up and end up feeling older than your chronological age because of poor health.
Take the Actual Age Test
But did you know that you can improve your physiological age by forming healthy habits? I have written many posts about improving your health as you get older.
I recently had the opportunity to collaborate with the LONGEVITY PLAYBOOK about bringing awareness to people over 50 on how we can improve our physiological age. It’s never too late to improve our health and turn back the clock!
I took the ACTUAL AGE TEST that was created by Dr. Mike Roizen, and my physiological age is 58.8 compared to my car age of 66.
I know that I can improve my physiological age by following the tips and daily lessons of the LONGEVITY PLAYBOOK.
The Five Pillars to Improve Your Real Age
Dr. Roizen and his team of doctors, writers, and developers created The Longevity Playbook because they want you to have the latest science to live younger, healthier lives. That means more quality time with your loved ones β children, parents, and grandparents β for much longer.
They offer healthy new habits, ways to improve your diet, and make exercise more productive and enjoyable- all the while turning back your age!
I was paid by the Longevity Playbook for my Instagram account. However, I thought you would enjoy learning more about your physiological age and seeing how you can improve your overall health.
Until next time!