Wellness Wednesday: Working out with Elev8d Fitness

Wellness Wednesday: Working out with Elev8d Fitness- Hello I'm 50ish

Ladies, do you know the first signs of aging? It’s the loss ofΒ flexibility, and strength in our bodies as we get older. I have mentioned before about working out for my heart because after menopause my blood pressure went up and I have heart disease in my family. I now take statins to lower my cholesterol and I have been working out regularly the last 10 years at least 4 times a week toΒ maintain a healthy lifestyle.Β There are times my schedule doesn’tΒ allow me to head to my favorite gym but I still workout at home. I have had the opportunity to try out a new online fitness workout recently from Elev8d Fitness and was pleasantly surprised how efficient their workout routines are! There are benefits of working out at home if you don’t belong to a gym. You can work out on your own schedule, you don’tΒ need to drive anywhere, and you can wear anything you want without anyone seeing you but your furry child.

Β  This post is sponsored by Elev8d Fitness. All thoughts and opinions are all my own.

Wellness Wednesday: Working out with Elev8d Fitness- Hello I'm 50ish

What I like about using this online program is that I can take it with me to Hilton Head or on vacation where I don’tΒ belong to a gym but I enjoy getting myΒ weekly workouts in. I just bring along my iPad and workout anywhere. You can also use your phone with this fitness program.

No weights. No gym. Just easy-to-follow personalized workouts that are better on the body and get results.Β Β Sonia Jones and Pete Egoscue created a series of low-intensity workouts that are just as fun as they are short. The best part is you can customize your weekly fitness plan to meet your specific needs and ability!

Wellness Wednesday: Working out with Elev8d Fitness- Hello I'm 50ish

You can choose your workout based on the amount of time you have and your current fitness level.Β  I used the semi-fit level in the profile section. You can change your preferences any time you want. I am focused on losing weight and also increasing my flexibility as my goals when using Elev8d Fitness.

Exercise is a great way to slow or prevent the problems with bones, muscles, and joints. Maintaining strength and flexibility will help keep you strong. Back in my 40’s, I was still doing splits and this reverse prayer pose (shown below) actually had my hands closer together in a true prayer pose. I’m working on getting my shouldersΒ more flexible, but most peopleΒ can’t do this pose no matterΒ what their age is! I have very loose shoulders! Do not attempt this!

Wellness Wednesday: Working out with Elev8d Fitness- Hello I'm 50ish

As always mediate to bring positive energyΒ into your life! People who meditate regularly say it provides mental, spiritual and physical benefits, including stress reduction and a sense of well- being. Even some mainstream doctors recommend meditation to help treat chronic pain, anxiety, high blood pressure and other ailments. How it works is not fully understood, though research is accumulatingβ€”and encouraging. Namaste my friends!

I would love you to join me and try out this fitness program!

Elev8d Fitness has offered all my readers and followers a Free 30 Day Trial! Come on and join me!

Use: LAMONTE as the promo code at checkout. Sign up here.

I would love to hear your views on this fitness program!

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  1. HelloIm50ish says:


    I know you have made many adjustments to your fitness routine since EDS.
    I am so proud of you and all that you do my sweet friend!


  2. Great post Robin!
    This sounds interesting! Because of my EDS I can’t do the things i used to-spin classes, biking.. but I do walk and workout with weights at home. I recently bought kettlebells and a medicine ball in order to build strenth to reduce trigger points in my muscles. I enjoy working out at home.
    Love your workout pictures and it is so important as we get older.. due to osteoperosis, osteopenia and just heart health!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx