Restyling the Non Returnable Clothes

Friends, do you shop for clothes without trying them on? ( Can I see a raise of hands?) Then when you get home you realize you don’t like how it looks on you? You put it back in the bag, but forget to return it until it’s too late? How many of you have non returnable clothes sitting in your closet? ( Raising my hand.)
What? I’m the only one who does this?
I purchased this top last summer for my trip to Paris without trying it on in the store.
I tried it on when I got home and hated it. Perhaps it was the wide neckline, that wasn’t flattering on me, or how big it was in general, but I loved the colors and the details of the top. I put it back in the bag thinking I was going to return it, but I forgot to do it before my trip and it sat in my closet until I found it 3 months later. I don’t put clothes I plan on returning in my car, which I should of done with this top, but I do now.
I have a lot of clothes I purchased last summer for my trip to Paris that are still sitting in my closet (hung up) that need to be restyled. I purchased them on trips and of course I never tried them on. Especially the clothes I brought home from Paris. I was shopping at Galeries LaFayette right before our flight back to the States. I shopped and then hopped on a plane without trying on anything.
I wonder if the fashion bloggers do Dressing Room Diaries at the Galleries LaFayette in Paris?
My Paris clothes have been great purchases and I would call my shopping a success in Paris. I received a lot of compliments about this dress I wore at a weekend in Athens, Georgia for a wedding.
I was this close to bringing home both pairs of shoes, but my suitcase was already full and packed.
Sorry, I digressed…
So you only have 2 options with clothes you cannot return. Either restyle or donate it to someone who may look better in it than you.
I have decided to restyle the top, then if I still hate it, I’ll donate it to my favorite charity, HOPE Atlanta.
I restyled this top with another purchase that has been sitting in my closet for 2 years waiting for me to wear it. I felt this was a boho chic look, so I pulled out my wide bell bottomed jeans from last fall.
The purple knitted silk sweater came from a trip to Oregon a couple of years ago and I thought it would help make this top not look so big on me. I saw another blogger post on Instagram a short shrug over an A line dress that had no shape on her and the shrug made the dress look better. I love looking through my Instagram feed of women I follow over 50 to find style inspiration. Where do you find your style inspiration my friends?
Yes, I even took a chance posting this outfit on Instagram and received a lukewarm response from my followers, which was fine. It still isn’t working for me, but as my daughter said, you look pregnant. (She definitely won’t be borrowing it.)
I thought I had restyled the top the best way that I could, with the clothes in my closet, but many people may not like it on me.
Okay, do you think Love it or Lose it?
You won’t offend me, I would love your honest opinion.
Thanks for stopping by today!
How about belting the top with a wide, fun statement belt just above the waist? Then, instead of the shrug, you could loosely wear a lightweight wrap of sold color over your shoulders (let it drape…no tie in front). Finally, I’d just wear basic skinny jeans and a chunky wedge. I think the bell-bottoms with the blouse might be too much. All that to say…I LOVE the you are repurposing clothes! I have a similar blouse crisis going on…I recently purchased it (and I had even tried it on!), yet now that I have it home, I don’t like it. 🙁 You’ve inspired me to keep trying.
Hi Robin!
Lovely gold dress on you and I love your Paris buys, those cat shoes are purrrrfect! I really love the bold colors in your top. i mostly shop online and try the stuff on at home, as i tend to shop at stores with free return shipping. Because of my illness, I dont shop alot in stores.
Have you tried to wear a jacket or blazer over the top? I love to see a colorful top under a blazer or longer jacket and perhaps with skinny or straight leg jeans like the girls mentioned? The longer length wouldnt cut off your proportions. Just a thought!
Hope it helped?!
Have a great week!
Jess xx
I agree that may look better with skinny jeans – too much volume on top and on the bottom. Having said that I still think lose it. The gold dress is really elegant! Lise
I tried the skinny bottoms which made the top look just the same.
The flares were balancing the the volume from my top, but it seems the flares threw everyone off.
I plan on donating it. Stupid purchase.
I’m glad you liked the dress.
I love the mustard color dress, you look very elegant with it. And I find your look with the bell-shaped trousers very funny and interesting. It is a daring and daring proposal, but you look really attractive and modern with them. The sweater is cute and I love the print of the blouse. Your hair is beautiful,
I love the colours in the top. Would it be better with skinny jeans, or leggings. Maybe there is too much volume top and bottom. If that does not work, off it goes to the charity shop…..
I do it all the time….forget to return things… xxx
I tried the skinny bottoms which made the top look just the same.
The flares were balancing the the volume from my top, but it seems the flares threw everyone off.
I think there is too much going on. If you tie it lower, also tray a simpler necklace and non-flared jeans. But how cool that you can say you bought that top while you were in Paris!
Hi Eva,
Thank you for your suggestions, which I tried but it didn’t help the top.
I may be donating the top.
First I totally love the idea of trying out different options, Robin. Because it happens to all of us. And I love the shirt with the jeans and the purple cardi. But could you tie the cardi a little lower?? That could be the reason your daughter said that….
The colors of the shirt are super gorgeous. I think you should try again….
You are the best!
I shall try it again with it lower. I may have to update the post if I look better with the sweater tied lower.
Thank you friend!