Leavin’ on a Jet Plane: Does your Dog get sad when you Leave too?

My husband and I Β are heading to Paris to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary this weekend, but I know one family member who will be less than thrilled that I’m taking this trip; my sweet furry child, Bruno.
I am his mother, his daily routine, and when I disrupt this routine, Bruno gets depressed and waits for his normalcy to return in his human family.
Do you experience the same thing?
I, like many dog owners, have witnessed this type of Β behavior in our sweet furry children and many of us choose not to leave the dogs behind.
They actually have done research on whether dogs miss us. Why can’t someone give us a survey to fill out the answers to the questions that we already knew. Yes, dogs sense a disruption in their daily routine and if you are the daily routine, they will miss you. Period.
For 8 years Β Bruno has behaved this way when I am gone Β for more than Β 6 hours. He shuts down and waits. Even when he is with other family members he won’t eat or drink Β like he usually does. Once when I was leaving on a trip with Sammy for my mother’s birthday, he tried to get in the car and go with us to the airport. He was crying to get into the car.
Bruno cries with joy, literally, when I return home or pick him up from the kennel. Β I wish he knew or understood the words “I’ll be back”but he doesn’t. So many times I’ve seen soldiers returning home to their beloved dogs and the dogs are filled with so much emotion at seeing their human parent. Large dogs crying and falling all over the soldiers has brought me to tears just watching the videos. Dogs are so devoted and remember us even after long periods of separation.
He doesn’t display separation anxiety.
The look:
I am packing a lot of Chico’s clothing for this trip as I did last fall on my rivercruise down the Rhine river.Β Β Chico’s has the Traveler’s Collection, Zenergy, and No Iron Collection that are perfect for packing on this trip. It will be fun to wear Chico’s in Paris since it’s not sold there.
My sweet daughter’s gave me this outfit for Mother’s Day and it will make the trip.
I’m looking forward to my new adventure and will share it with you.
I only wish Bruno would understand that I’ll be home soon and we will continue our daily routine as we have done together for the last 8 years. He will be with my son and his new wife, who love him dearly, but I know he will be sad because I am gone.
There is nothing more wonderful than being this dog’s companion, but it also tugs at my heartstrings when we are apart.
Au revoir!
Thanks for stopping by!
I would love to hear from you!
I would love to know if your dog misses you when you’re apart or if Β you’ve been to Paris!
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Oh what a beautiful dog, so sweet looking! I completely understand what he’s going through, our dogs did the same exact thing. They’re so human-like, and become more so as they age. Those soldier videos get me every time too. It’s so hard to leave them, but it makes us appreciate each other more when we return. We have a lot to learn from them and their unconditional love.
I’ve never been to France but would love to someday. Have a wonderful time in Paris, and Happy Anniversary!
Please forgive my late reply.
Yes our dogs are our furry children and it is hard to leave them just like our own human children.
We are having a wonderful time in Paris!
Awww…poor Bruno!!
Even our kitties are very glad to see us when we come home from a trip. Although we always joke that we get the “what for” for a couple of minutes!!
Funny how attached our pets are to us!
I know Bruno will miss us but we still enjoy traveling.
Hope you enjoyed the fierce sisters weekend!
You look adorable. Hope you had an enjoyable flight to Paris! We’re in the South of France enjoying our last day poolside before returning home tomorrow. Chippy hasn’t seen us since June 16th. Bonaparte can’t wait to pick him up from the vet!! We did receive a call that Chippy had an ear infection so I’m happy he has been with the vet! He will be completely spoiled when we arrive home!!!!
Enjoy Paris and 30 more wonderful years!! Happy Anniversary!!
Happy you’re having a wonderful time in the south of France!
Glad Chippy is with the vet with an ear infection!
I always worry when we kennel Bruno and what he might catch with the other furry children.
He’s spending time with our son and enjoying different scenery. Deer watching is his favorite entertainment.
We left herds of deer with in New Jersey and it’s rare to see them in Atlanta but northern suburbs have them now.