Update for the Influencers of Midlife Summit

This post was originally published on 6/29/2019 and updated on 1/13/2020.
Ladies, can you believe in almost 2 months we will be having our 2nd Annual Influencers of Midlife Summit! So I thought I would give you the latest information about what our midlife conference is going to have for speakers and sessions.
We had a wonderful Influencers of Midlife Summit in January of last year with 80 attendees (we’ve already passed that number!!) and we decided to do it again because we felt a midlife women’s conference for bloggers, influencers, and female entrepreneurs was much-needed for a blog conference. There wasn’t any blog conference focused on the over 40 women and I decided that this was important to have one for our age group.
What makes our event different from the other conferences?
We are at a different stage in our lives with different opportunities than the young crowds that attend blog conferences. We needed a conference focused on US which is why I created this midlife summit. I envisioned this summit to be educational and inspirational for all influencers, bloggers, female entrepreneurs, and businesswomen. So many events for the midlife woman are based on topics about how to manage money, taxes, wills, job search, divorce, and other things we all will experience after midlife but this one is for women who want to continue being relevant and making a living doing something they love. Whether you write, own a business, have a podcast, or use video for business, this conference is for you!
The Influencers of Midlife Summit is a multi-day conference for midlife women looking to take their business and life to the next level. The underlying theme for this year’s conference is Living Your Best Life Now.
We are teaching intermediate and advanced workshops and we believe attendees will walk away from the Influencers of Midlife Summit with increased knowledge & tools to “up” their business (and life) game as well as develop the connections to help support their dreams.
We created the Summit to give midlife women an opportunity to connect, collaborate, and learn best practices to be successful in their businesses.
Who Benefits from Attending our Event?
The women who attend the Influencers of Midlife Summit are mostly over the age of 40 with different levels of expertise as content creators – both online and on air.
They represent a variety of niches from, fashion, health/wellness, business, food, beauty, technology, travel, DIY, design, personal growth, and more.
These midlife women promote their content on various platforms including Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Podcasts, Twitter, e-magazines, and blogs.
They come to the Influencers of Midlife Summit to discuss emerging topics and trends, learn best practices, tips and tricks, network, and develop long-term relationships with other like-minded attendees and sponsors.
Once the event was over last January many of my friends on Instagram started to reach out to me, the first was Sheree Frede of SheShe Show. She was the first one to sign on as a speaker, then Jamie and Shauna wanted to come and talk about their new partnership as the traveling trio.
It amazes me to see the interest in a blog conference for women over 40! So many women have started blogs, are writing books, and finding a new career after midlife.
When I attended the Design Influencers Conference in February so many interior designers over the age of 50 were wondering if they were still relevant as interior designers and never thought to expand their brand as a lifestyle influencer as I did! We are already experts in interior decorating why not expand our platforms?
We have from the home design/DIY area: Janet Coon, Rhoda Vickers, Mitzi Beach, Linda Holt, Paige Minear, Vicki Gladle Bolick, and Jill McKenzie as speakers. Mitzi will also be having a book signing at our event. I saw Linda’s session on iPhone photography and editing at the Design Conference and knew she had to speak!
Home Decor Experts
Rhoda Vickers of Southern Hospitality
Janet Coon of Shabby FuFu
Linda Holt of Linda Holt Creatives
Vicki Gladle Bolick of The Ace of Space
Paige Minear of The Pink Clutch
Mitzi Beach of Mitzi Beach Designs
Jill McKenzie of McKenzie Interior Designs
When my friend Rhoda Vickers asked what she could do to help me with the event I asked her to join three of our panel discussions. She will be talking about Interiors, Travel, and how to make money as a blogger with Deb Boland, Janet Coon, Sheree Frede, Shauna Robertson, and Jamie Lewinger on how to monetize your blog. This panel alone has a total reach of over 3 million! (Do you know what your total reach is? Very important to know when a company reaches out to you for collaboration!)
Fashion and Style Influencers
Sherre Frede of She She Show
Deborah Boland of Fabulous After 40
Shauna Robertson of Chic Over 50
Jamie Lewinger of More Than Torquise
Stephanie Glover of Haute Grey Fox
Tonya Parker of The Real Chic Life
Annette Duke of Reinventing 50’s
Suzanne Smith of Crazy Blonde Life
Tonya Parker is headlining a session on diversity which is so important as we are a unified group of women over 40. Annette Duke is joining her and my sweet sister Stephanie Glover who was the first person I interviewed when I began my journey into the fashion and lifestyle blogging world. Stephanie and I have sure come a long way together!
Add Travel to Your Brand
We are going to include a panel discussion about adding travel to your business as women over 40. We now have the time to travel and enjoy visiting cities and other countries, why not write about your experience and share it with others who love to read about destinations? Molly Mathis is going to be joining our panel discussion as a female entrepreneur who runs a female adventure tour that takes women to exciting places all over the world. She will be joining the women who get invited to travel and write about it as part of a paid sponsorship with companies who want to connect to the over 40 crowd.
Health and Wellness
We are focused on living our best lives now after midlife and it’s so important to discuss health and wellness. As an interior designer who believes our homes are our sanctuary to heal and nurture our souls. Mitzi Beach is a leading speaker on how the 7 elements of wellness can be incorporated into our lives. She is joined by my dear friend, Lisa Washington, who spoke last year on mindful living and healthy menu ideas will be joining me as we discuss the importance of taking care of ourselves after midlife. Many of us are now seeing brands reach out to us to promote dietary supplements, hair, skincare, fitness, and activewear as over 40 women. We are a large demographic audience that companies are just now reaching out to work with us and we have sponsors and vendors joining us who market to us.
Business Sessions
The most important sessions we have at this conference are sessions on growing your business and making money as female business owners. If you can’t drive traffic to your website or if brands can’t find you on your social media platforms because you have low engagement because of poor content or photos these sessions will be so important to you!
Photography and Video
Linda Holt and Janet Coon will talk about using your phone and apps to create beautiful photos. Lisa Washington and Shauna Robertson will be speaking on using Big girl cameras.
Business Sessions
We will have a panel discussion on how to monetize your blog or social media platforms with top influencers Rhoda Vickers, Deborah Boland, Sheree Frede, Jamie Lewinger, and Shauna Robertson. They will share how they make money working with brands and share tips with the attendees on how you can make money as an influencer or blogger.
We invited professional women whose business is focused on marketing and branding for companies to be our speakers on legal matters, SEO, content writing, website design, how to create a podcast, and how to monetize your blog without a large email list or subscribers.
Donna Duffy of Sage Success Studio
Jena Dunham of Black Bear Design
JoJami Tyler and Lana Helda of Ladies Roadmap
Angie Avard Turner, Esq. – Lawyer
Lorrie Thomas Ross – Marketing Expert
Ana Canon of The Admin Cove
Inspirational Speakers
What midlife conference isn’t complete without the fabulous women who inspire us through charitable work, books of their journey or moving forward in a new career. We have an Ice Capades skater turned race car driver, an author, a midlife coach, a CNN reporter with a fabulous podcast, a congresswoman, and a woman who believes in paying it forward with a charity supporting those women less fortunate than ourselves. Susan Kanoff is a fellow influencer whose charity, Uncommon Threads, will be benefitting from the ticket sales for our conference.
Susan Kanoff of Uncommon Threads
Deborah Kobylt of Deborah Kobylt Live
Congresswoman Lucy McBath
Dina Parise of Dina Parise Racing
Rosie Dalton- Life Coach-Midlife Aesthetic
Maria Leonard Olsen- Author
As you can see we have Congresswoman Lucy McBath as our keynote speaker on Saturday. Because she is a former flight attendant, I invited Lucy to share her story as a former Delta flight attendant to the congresswoman she is today. So inspiring and courageous! No discussion on politics, please!
This is a tentative schedule for the Influencers of Midlife Summit. We will continue to update it as we finalize all speakers and sessions.*
Thursday, March 26th:
- Check-in at 4:00 for Attendees
- Welcome Cocktail Reception 6:00-9:00 (Lite Bites) w/Inspirational Speaker- Susan Kanoff, Founder of Uncommon Threads
Friday, March 27th :
8:00- 8:45- Check-in and Continental Breakfast
8:45- 9:00 AM – Welcome Speech from Robin LaMonte
9:00- 9:45- Linda Holt-“Creating Better Photos with Your iPhone”
9:45-10:45 – Panel Discussion with Molly Mathis, Jamie Lewinger, Shauna Robertson, Sheree Freede, & Rhoda Vickers- “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” How to add Travel to your brand or Blog
10:45- 11:15- Coffee break and Expo time
11:15-12:00 — Donna Duffy- “Create Your Signature BLEND and Rise above the Noise. BLEND stands for Build Your List, Leverage your Knowledge, Engage your Audience, Nurture to Close and Deliver with Excellence.”
12:00-1:00 – Buffet lunch with Inspirational Speaker Rosie Dalton- “How to Use Challenges as Feminine Rocket Fuel to Empower Your Gorgeous Life!”
1:00-2:00 – JoJami Tyler & Lana Helda- Ladies Road Map “Successful Partnerships and Creating A Podcast”
2:00- 3:00 – Sheree Frede and Shauna Robertson – “How to Style your Photos for Social Media”
3:00- 4:00- Panel Discussion with Deb Boland, Sheree Frede, Shauna Robertson, Jamie Lewinger, Janet Coon, and Rhoda Vickers- “How to Monetize Your Blog and Make Money as an Influencer”
4:00-4:45 – Angie Turner, Esq.- “Legal Issues: How to Protect Yourself,Your Blog, and Your Website”
4:45-5:30– Panel discussion with Tonya Parker, Stephanie Glover, and Annette Duke – “Embracing the Voices of Women over 40: Why Diversity Matters”
5:30-6:00 – Networking Expo time- Photo Shoot
6:00- 9:00 – Dinner w/ Inspirational Speaker- Deborah Kobylit
Saturday, March 28th:
8:00-9:00 – Continental Breakfast
9:00-10:00- Mitzi Beach- “Healthy Home=Healthy Life”
10:00—10:15 – coffee break
10:15- 11:00–Lisa Washington- “Healthy Food Choices as we Age”
11:00-12:00 – Panel Discussion with Janet Coon, Rhoda Vickers, Jill McKenzie, Paige Minear, and Vicki Bolick – “Create the Perfect Interior Design Blog”
12:00-1:00 – Buffet luncheon w/ 12:30 Inspirational Speaker – Dina Parise-Race Car Driver- “Never Too Short or Too Old to Ride This Ride”
1:00-2:00 – Panel Discussion with Deb Boland, Sheree Frede, Shauna Robertson, Jamie Lewinger, Janet Coon, and Rhoda Vickers- “How to Monetize Your Blog and Make Money as an Influencer”
2:00- 3:00-Jena Dunham- “All Roads lead to Your Website”
3:00 – 4:00- Ana Canon- “How to monetize your blog without a huge following or subscribers list”
4:00- 4:30-Keynote Speaker- Congresswoman Lucy McBath “My Journey from Flight Attendant to Congresswoman”
4:30- 6:00- Networking and Expo- Photo Shoot
6:00-10:00- Closing Dinner Party w/ Inspirational Speaker- Maria Leonard Olsen- Author Fifty after Fifty- “Reinvigorating Your Life
Sunday, March 29th:
8:00-9:00 – Continental Breakfast and Thank you for coming by Robin LaMonte ( announce 2021 host city drawing for 2021 Free Pass)
9:00-10:00- TBD “Create Great Videos for Your Website”
10:00-11:00- Lorrie Thomas Ross- “Developing Your Personal Brand For Maximum Success”
11:00 –12:00- Suzanne Smith- “Create Your Own Magazine”
11:00-12:00 – Deb Chase-“How to Write an E-Book and Get Published”
This has been a huge undertaking but it’s finally time to sit back and wait for you to join us in March at the Hotel at Avalon!
Robin, what a fabulous line up of amazing women this year. I really wish I had the budget to attend because I am certain this is a super rewarding weekend experience! I wish you much success with it! Thanks for sharing and linking up.
I wish you could join us too my friend!
Looks like an amazing event! I wish I had known about it sooner. If I don’t make it this year, I will definitely try for next year.
We hope you can make it either this year or next year!
Hi There- I tried to find out the location of the conference but it is not listed. A
It’s listed but here it is again.
The Hotel at Avalon
Alpharetta, Ga.
Ticket info:
We hope to see you in March!
What a great conference. I have been blogging sine 2013 and as a 50 and over blogger its so important to stay updated to the latest everything. I won’t be able to make this one as I am on vacation for a few weeks which was planned a year ago.
Thank you for stopping by today!
I hope you can make the next one!
I wish I could go but due to family commitments this year I can’t. I know if will be fun and yet very informative. Can’t wait to see Instagram post from the attendees! You’ve thoughtfully planned this event to the last detail!
I am sorry you can’t make it this year!
I will miss you!
Hi Robin
I truly enjoyed the Influencers conference last year. I would have liked to attend this year, but find it very difficult to sit for long periods with my medical condition. Your topics and speakers sound wonderful.
Sounds like a great event!
jess xx
I am so glad you enjoyed last January’s event, but I know it was hard on you.
I appreciate your support!
I’m so excited for this event, Robin! Your conference purpose is exactly what I’m seeking, and I can’t wait to hear some of these amazing and inspirational women speak!
xx, Lisa
Looks like a happn’, outtasight event. Thanks for sharing!
It’s going to great and the women who come make long lasting friendships!
I hope you join us!
What a lineup! I’m sooooo psyched! Thank you for all your hard work to make this happen, Robin…
Yes, we have a wonderful event filled with lots of wonderful speakers and sessions!
And I’m still working on it!
Wow, that is impressive! And what a work it will be to organise it! Fantastic job Robin!
Thank you my friend!
I hope one day you will join us!
Hi, Robin – You are a powerhouse! We will all be kept very busy indeed 🙂 – Angie, yourtrueselfblog.com
Thank you my friend for being an ambassador and helping me with the event!
You are welcome! 🙂
Wow! That looks like a full slate and a full conference indeed! Thanks for sharing.
Yes we’re going to be having lots of wonderful sessions and speakers!
It’s a wonderful conference!
I am so excited to attend, Robin! I have several younger blogger friends who have gone to blogging conferences, but I felt they were just too young of a group for me to attend. And there’s definitely a great lineup of speakers!
I agree that the blog conferences are focused on the very young even though they are very good conferences.
That is why I wanted one that was for us and we are the fastest growing group of influencers!
Companies are seeing this growing demographic and realize we are their target audience!
We’ve built a terrific conference and I’m sure we will see more midlife conferences copy our platform.
Copying is the nicest form of flattery, I never think of it as competition as some others do!