What is the Coastal Grandmother Aesthetic?

Have you heard of the Coastal Grandmother trend that has been talked about and written about on the internet?
Essentially, a coastal grandmother is an entire lifestyle inspired by the aesthetic portrayed in Nancy Meyers’ movies.
The Coastal Grandmother Aesthetic
I couldn’t believe the hubbub surrounding a lifestyle many of us middle-aged women have always lived. And now it’s a “Thing.” It began on TikTok with a millennial, Lex Nicoleta trademarking the phrase.
Since Lex Nicoleta’s post on the topic in late March, the phenomenon has been all over lifestyle television (the Today show, Good Morning America), the fashion press (Vogue, Elle, Glamour), and the newspapers (The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times).
The Lifestyle
This is for anyone who loves coastal vibes, gardening, farmer’s markets, entertaining, recipes, cooking, drinking wine, and more. And no, you don’t have to be an actual grandmother to be a coastal one; it’s for anyone and everyone. These are things that I love doing naturally. I can’t believe that a young woman coined the phrase! This makes our lifestyle so cool! Also, you don’t need to have a beach home to enjoy this lifestyle aesthetic.
Gardening and Farmers Markets
I have always been a gardener. Growing vegetables, herbs, and flowers have always been my passion. I take pride in growing my vegetables and flowers. My grandmothers had extensive gardens, and we enjoyed eating fresh vegetables in the summer. Nothing like eating fresh tomatoes and basil grown in your backyard! I grow a lot of roses, peonies, and hydrangeas that I can cut for flower arrangements.
I grew my vegetables in pots on the deck when we lived in New Jersey.
I used to grow tomatoes and basil next to my pool, tucked in with my flowers. However, the squirrels ate all my tomatoes before we could enjoy them.
Since I don’t have a garden in Park City, I love checking out the local farmers’ market and roadside stands for local produce.
We visited so many farmers’ markets in Europe on our trips. Farmers’ markets are found in many cities. We enjoyed seeing the fresh produce, meats, and flowers.
Farmers’ Market in France
Entertaining, Recipes, and Cooking
I laughed when I read that Ina Garten’s recipes were popular for being a coastal grandmother. I tend to make recipes passed down from my family. Comfort food is what I prefer to make. However, there’s nothing wrong with Ina’s recipes. I have made many of her recipes and love them. I guess Lex selected a well-known midlife woman chef to be a part of the trend.
I love entertaining family and friends with lovely table settings and delicious food. If you have followed me for some time, you know that a beautiful table is as important to me as the food I prepare.
The Coastal Grandmother Fashion
For some reason, Lex thinks that all coastal grandmothers should wear white button-down shirts with khakis while sipping wine on their porch or frolicking on the beach with Jack Nicholson. Lex’s preferred style is a neutral outfit.
She misses the point on what a comfortable summer style is all about for middle-aged women. We don’t just wear neutral outfits in the summer. Effortless, relaxed style includes summer dresses and loose-fitting clothes.
Easy, breezy basics make up most of a coastal grandmother’s wardrobe, so these linen pants and oversized linen top seem to be a great option.
Do you recognize yourself as a coastal grandmother? So many traits come naturally to many of us. We tend to live in a comfortable way that comes naturally as midlife women that the youth thinks is cool. Perhaps it’s not a trend for women over 50 because we’re not redefining our lifestyle or fashion. It’s just the lifestyle we have always had, and now we enjoy it!
Nice post 😄
Thank you!
I think I would love to be a coastal grandmother who actually lives on the coast. Actually on the BEACH. I like the aesthetic but I don’t fit the mold. Have never (vegetable) gardened much (going to try to plant a few things with the grands this week), too shy to entertain, I do like farmers markets and pretty table settings, and the easy feel to the coastal grandmother clothing. Thank you for enlightening me about this trend or aesthetic and its very recent origins. You, my friend, are the real deal. You do it all with such grace and beauty and flair.
I can’t believe that you are too shy to entertain!
I love cooking from scratch and entertaining family!
I think I would prefer to be called Domestic Goddess! LOL!