What does it Mean to be Forever Fierce?

Today we are launching our first annual Forever Fierce campaign that is a continuation of the original Fierce 50 I was a part of a year ago and still am. Our small band of the original fierce 50 sisters from all over the world has grown to over 4500 extraordinary midlife members and still growing. Women who have joined our midlife community are starting to reinvent themselves and have given themselves permission to explore new things. Our journey after midlife can be just as exciting as our first half. We believe that we are Forever Fierce!
By Beth Briggs
What is our philosophy behind a community of women supporting other women in midlife?
The intention behind Forever Fierce: Empowered Women at Midlife are Cool is to put a new, fresh frame and perspective around midlife and beyond. We feel that midlife is a powerful time in a woman’s life and we are more vibrant than ever before. We believe that midlife isn’t an age but rather an experience or a feeling and it’s up to you to decide when you’re reached midlife. We are coming together to create a collaborative community and to show the world that we are only just beginning. We are intending to shift a paradigm and a perception of women at midlife and beyond by coming together as one. We believe in lifting other women up rather than tearing them down. Together, we empower and inspire one another and send a powerful message to younger generations to look forward to becoming older rather than fearing aging as current marketing would lead you to believe.
When I started writing a fashion and lifestyle blog at the age of 59, many of my friends and family thought what in the heck are you doing writing a blog about what you wear, where you travel, and what I am doing with my life after 50ish? Some of my friends find it strange that I sit at my computer posting weekly stories about the clothes I wear, many times given to me by brands who want me to share their clothes with women over 50ish or my rants about what has happened to my body after menopause.
I have made thousands of connections with women who are complete strangers to me, but I have grown fond of them and their journey after midlife. I get inspiration daily on social media and in our Facebook group from women who have shared their personal stories, their fashion styles, survived major health issues, some had violent marriages, women who have lost children to suicide, and many who going through divorce or their husband has passed and now they are learning to survive on their own. So many stories are shared in this community. We inspire and lift each other up.
The first person I am proud to introduce to you is a dear friend of mine in Atlanta. I have known Jill since I moved to Atlanta 6 years ago and is one of the nicest and most genuine person I know. I have worked with Jill and her husband Steve on many design showhouses and for my design clients. They are a retail home furnishings store that also caters to the interior designers. Steve is an interior designer and talented artist while Jill manages the retail store and their marketing.
When I started my second Instagram account under my @Helloim50ish brand (now @RobinLaMonte to combine both fashion and interior design recognition), this seemed to peak Jill’s curiosity. I started to see messages from her like “What are you doing?” ” I want to join you too!” She understood the new direction I was going in while still being an interior designer. She also believes we have so much more to offer as women over 50ish and that age is just a number. Jill as well as a few of my interior design friends have joined me in our Fierce Forever community on FaceBook. Jill and I want to start making connections with over 50 female bloggers in the Atlanta area and build a local chapter in Atlanta.
The Next Chapter- Jill McKenzie’s Story
In 2012, my husband Steve and I opened our Atlanta’s westside design district retail showroom, textile line and interior design business. Merging our appreciation of Southern graciousness, modern and classic decor, we offer top quality furniture, home decor, art (mostly Steve’s), fabrics, gift and tabletop. In addition to managing the showroom, buying decisions, administration tasks, I also make outside sales calls on southeastern designers, introducing them to our unique resources, direct and manage our social media, public relations and blog.
Mother of 3 terrific young adults, I was blessed to be home with them for over 20 years. I was heavily involved with our church, mission teams, PTAs and more as Steve traveled extensively for his corporate position.
Growing up, my parents owned several Scandinavian import retail stores, and my corporate Dad traveled extensively, so I learned the retail business from the ground floor, shoulder to shoulder with my parents and younger siblings.
What makes me fierce at midlife?
I asked my three favorite young women (2 daughters and one practically a daughter) this question and they responded with when haven’t I been fierce!?
My youngest daughter (21y0) said I can tackle any task, that makes me very proud as a role model.
Seriously, at this new chapter of my life (no kids at home, working), I have jumped in with both feet, another mantra of mine. Not only did I jump back into the workforce, Interior Design was a new industry to me. So what did I do? I stepped outside of my existing paradigm, put on my big girl panties and did just like I told my kids the first day of school – smile, introduce yourself, and make friends.
I’m fierce about building community, especially with other women. During college, my sorority life molded me to do good, honed my leadership skills and blessed me with an amazing group of lifelong friends/sisters. Everyone needs that, at all levels of life, and I weave that network with in-store classes, hosting various events, and checking on my people regularly.
We’ll all have many chapters in our lives. That was another revelation around age 52. It’s all about how do we handle our new circumstances, opportunities and where can we help others.
You can follow Jill here:
Instagram: @jillmckenzieatl
Facebook: Steve McKenzie’s
Website: Steve McKenzie’s
The Next Chapter – Stephanie Amato’s Story
Funny thing about life and new destinations, Stephanie and I both lived in Basking Ridge, New Jersey where our children went to school together. Then within a year of each other, we both transplanted ourselves in Atlanta. She is a talented artist who began her new career in midlife.
I started my early career as a computer programmer but returned to college part time while raising my son. I received a degree in Visual and Graphic Art, establishing a Graphic Design business, as well as advancing my career as a fine artist.
At this point in my life I have the freedom to put my passion for art first. I paint full time, travel for my art and have been recognized by national art organizations.
I have been honored to participate at the Olmstead Plein Air Invitational which celebrates the newly renovated Olmsted Linear Park in Atlanta, Georgia, April 21-29, 2018.
You can Stephanie here:
Website: www.stephanieamato.com
Instagram: @Stephanieamatoart

When I turned 50 a few years ago, what that meant to me as a woman was to be financially independent, to be on top of my Human Resources career, and to travel the world with my husband now that our daughters were old enough. 4 years later, because of a major health issue that brought challenges in my daily life these past 18 months, I still embrace being in my 50s but with a different approach.
Today, what is most important to me is looking after my physical and mental health. Every day I make sure to focus my thoughts on subjects that make me happy and I have no fear to close my door on what makes me unhappy. Every day I make time for ME. And it’s okay to look after myself, actually it is key to my wellbeing. My 50s brought awareness about health issues that I never thought about before. Awareness is information and information is key to fixing any issue. So despite my breast cancer I am rediscovering myself; my body has changed, is heavier, fuller, but grows stronger each day. I am adapting these changes so that I can keep on enjoying wearing clothes that I like and make me feel beautiful.
So, in a few words, what makes me embrace being in my fifties? Knowing who I am, knowing what I don’t want in my life anymore, feeling like a whole person and not an age, and determined to live life fully as I am in love with Life!
Being in my fifties is not the end of the world, it’s an exciting new chapter, full of opportunities if you put your mind into .
Fabulous and Fierce- Meet Katrina Spagnoletti
Katrina and I connected on Instagram when I featured her on Follow Friday. Katrina is currently trying out for the Mrs. Virginia Beauty Pageant. I find it intriguing when women compete for a beauty pageant because it takes a lot of BALLS and FIERCENESS to do this!
I’m fierce because I’m not afraid to have young goals at 53 years old. I’m vying for the title of Mrs. Virginia and I am the oldest in the competition. I became certified as a Personal Trainers at the age of 53. My confidence level is higher than I’ve ever had it be. I don’t second guess myself because I learned from my past. I’m not afraid of life.
You can Follow Katrina here:
Facebook: Katrina Spagnoletti
Instagram: Strikingemages
Faith and Fierce- Meet Cammi Allen
I have been an admirer of this sweet girl who lights up her Instagram feed with sweetness and devotion to her family and faith every week. When I asked her to join us on the Forever Fierce campaign she didn’t think twice! You can follow Cammi on Instagram @Cammishappyplace. I invite you to follow this lovely ray of sunshine!
So my friends, do you believe you’re moving forward and embracing life after 50? I would love to have you join me!
I invite you to read all the other heart centered bloggers from our Fierce Forever FaceBook group who have featured women who believe that they are Forever Fierce. Read about them here.
Thank you for stopping by today!
Remember to be always forever fierce!
Thank you for introducing us to these amazing women, Robin. Both you and they are so inspirational. I thought it a strange parallel that one of your women is French but lives in Britain whereas I’m British but live in France!
Julia x
Oh, my gravy! It is certainly obvious why you selected these Fierce Friends to interview for this post. What an inspiration! After reading their stories, I feel like I’ve had a shot of steroids or taken some super vitamin. They have motivated me to take on today and the days that follow with new stamina.
How sweet of you to be inspired by my fierce friends!
I hope it does inspire you to live your best life now and be happy with who you are!
What a wonderful blog post! I love your explanation of the group and the whole philosophy of being Forever fierce. The group is something that i really appreciate and I love the supportive nature the women bring, like you said, lifting each other up. So often there is competitiveness, or judgement, it is lovely to have women support and appreciate each other. I enjoyed reading about the women you featured, each demonstrating their fierce nature.
have a great day!
jess xx
and I love that you started you blog later in life, why not! You’re doing a great job!
This is a wonderful community of women and I love making connections through our group and on social media!
Remember, you’re never too old to try something new!!
Wow Robin, you put together a beautiful post!!! Thank you so much again, for including me!!
You are a wonderful mom and fierce sister!
Thank you for letting my readers meet you!
What beautiful and inspiring women you have showcased! Love all the stories! Thanks for sharing them 🙂
XO Susan By the way…I want Jill’s haircut. So cute!
It was a wonderful day and I too was inspired by reading other bloggers who helped during the forever fierce campaign.
Yes, I love Jill’s haircut too, she looks fabulous in it!
What an amazing group of women – including you! Loved learning about these inspiring ladies, and happy to follow them!
Thank you Lana!
It was wonderful sharing stories of fierce women who are living their best lives now!
Robin, Loved reading about all of these beautifully FIERCE woman! They are all unique and wonderful! Happy Forever Fierce Day!
Julie xo
Fashion Trends and Friends
What a wonderful day of sharing women’s stories and they are all truly FIERCE!
Thank you for being a part of this campaign my fierce sister!
I absolutely love your post and your fierce women and how you introduced them. Wonderful …my friend
What a wonderful day filled with so many stories of fierce women!
Thank you for being a fierce 50 sister!
Each fierce woman featured is so unique. I am enjoying learning about all these wonderful women. So inspiring.
Yes, this has a wonderful way of meeting women who have wonderful stories but dont blog.
I’ve enjoyed reading everyone’s blog posts and still haven’t read them all!
I am so inspired by all of the fabulous women who are hosting this campaign and also introducing equally wonderful women to us. Thank you! At 60 life is full throttle for me and that is the way I like it!
Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond
Thank you for your kind words.
I have enjoyed being a part of the Forever Fierce campaign and sharing women who are equally fierce!
I am so happy you are living your life at full throttle!
What a lovely blog post! These ladies are just wonderful and so encouraging. Thank you so much for sharing and bringing joy and inspiration to other women at this same stage of life.
Thank you for the lovely comments!
Yes, women are living wonderful fierce lives after midlife.
Many have come through hardships, sadness, and health issues but are so confident in themselves and don’t need to ask permission to live their best lives now.
Such a beautiful post! The women are all so inspiring and encouraging! I love how relationships have formed over Instagram etc and its like a giant sorority of really nice sisters! Beautiful blog and beautiful post!
Yes, this campaign has introduced us to so many amazing women and the tribe is growing!
I appreciate you being a part of this campaign!
Sweet post Robin! I enjoyed reading each story and happy that these women shared. So inspiring!❤️💋
Thank you Belle!
Women over 50 are truly enjoying their lives now because they have more freedom to be who they truly are.
Loved meeting your friends. Some I already follow! I’d love to meet up some day! I travel to Atlanta area every few months to visit my dad and family. My niece just opened a farmhouse home decor store in Tate, GA. @53Market. Check it out on FB and IG. Totally worth going to see in person. I also always visit Daisy Boutique in Jasper, GA while I’m there. Awesome clothing there! My dad lives in Cartersville. I raised my son in Cartersville and worked at Anheuser-Busch brewery there 13.5 years. Love following you! Keep up the inspiration!
I would love to meet up with you whenever you’re in Atlanta!
I would love to spend time with another fierce sister!
I will check out your niece’s IG account too.
I love following you too!
Wow Robin, you wrote a beautiful post about this campaign and the meaning behind it. Your girls are all incredible and inspiring. I love reading about their lives. So much fierceness in this group of women 🙌🏼❤️🙏🏻
Thank you for your lovely comments!
Yesterday was a wonderful day reading all about fierce women who have come together to inspire and uplift each other in our group.
Thank you for being a part of the campaign!
Robin, I have learned so much from the women you have featured here. Being someone who didn’t find my life’s purpose until I was in my 40’s, I am so inspired to read about all these women beginning new careers and learning new things at midlife! I often felt strange starting a fashion blog in my 40’s and was fearful what people would think or say about some washed up old lady writing about her clothes! But somewhere through my blogging journey, I found my voice, my purpose, an amazing group of like-minded women, and realized that I am the furthest thing from “washed up”! I am just getting started at the age of 43…and it just keeps getting better! Thank you for sharing your story here and the stories of your beautiful fierce friends!
I agree that many people wonder why we are writing about our fashion style at our age, but there is more to us than a pretty blouse.
So many women have stories and are living fierce after midlife but we are the vehicle to share their stories.
I have enjoyed reading about your fierce women as well as the other bloggers who participated in our Forever Fierce Day!
Thank you for being a part of it!
Wow! What a group of beautiful, inspiring women! I met Jill’s husband Steve McKenzie several years ago at Scott’s when shopping with Eddie Ross. A very nice man and his wife is lovely. I want to be a “forever fierce” member….how do I do that Robin? Can anyone join? I’m actually 66 but don’t feel (and most say don’t look) my age. I actually met my 2nd husband when I was 50 and it’s been some of the best years of my life! My hat’s off to all you beautiful ladies!
We would love to have you!
I can add you to our group if you would like to join us!
Jill and Steve are a lovely couple and I have enjoyed their friendship for many years!
You are as young as you feel Judy!
Oh yes please add me Robin!
Robin, great stories from all of these women. Very inspirational!! And by the way, loving your outfit. We’ll have to meet up sometime.
I enjoy meeting fierce women over 50.
I love the fact they understand that the word “fierce” is being passionate about who they are and what they believe.
I am surprised that your fierce women were all from the Atlanta area!
Very cool!
Happy Forever Fierce Day!
I so enjoyed meeting these fierce women. It’s so empowering to hear the voices of these midlife women and where they are in the journey. Great post, Robin
This has been so much fun reading about all these women today.
We all seem to be fierce and empowered women after midlife!
Happy Forever Fierce Day!
This is a wonderful post! Everyone seems so lovely! Thanks for sharing all these fierce women with us! Happy Monday! Cheryl
Thank you fierce sister for stopping by today!
I have really enjoyed reading all the blogs and getting to read about so many fierce women!
I think it’s been helpful to have these Fierce friends around us throughout our lives…some just recently and some for years!!
Loved reading this Robin!!
I agree with you!
Many of my friends are very fierce women, but they don’t blog or use social media the way we do.
Love making connections with new fierce women and one of them is you!
Great post, I loved finding our more about these inspiring women and I am so glad to be a part of this campaign.
Julia x
This has been a wonderful campaign that is growing by leaps and bounds because women all over the world are finding their fierceness and confidence after midlife!
I enjoyed your blog post today too!
What lovely ladies you featured! Of course your friends would be as awesome as you. Thank you so much for introducing them. All are so inspiring. Hugs and blessings my friend.
Thank you Nina!
It’s amazing how women are connecting through various social media platforms and realize they are not alone.
I appreciate our friendship and look forward to our next conversation!
Great post Robin!!!!!
Thank you Catherine!
I am so happy we have many women who are fierce and confident after midlife!
I have been reading our other fierce sister’s blog posts sharing their fierce women.
What a great community!
I can’t wait to read yours!
You and these women are such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing their thoughts and stories. Happy Forever Fierce Day!
This has been an amazing day reading your blog post and reading about your fierce women.
We are very lucky that so many women are living a fierce and confident lifestyle.
No permission needed….
Happy Forever Fierce Day!