The Floral Dress Worn At the Celebration of the Next Chapter in Motherhood

Ladies, are you a grandmother? Do you celebrate the next level of motherhood, in my case, Nanahood?Ā
We were in Hilton Head the week before our first grandchild, Olivia Lynnlee LaMonte was to arrive on April 23rd, (same day as the newest little prince, Louis) and I had been saving this beautiful hibiscus dressĀ that gifted to me from Soft Surroundings for our celebration dinner as my husband and IĀ transitioned into becoming grandparents. The whole week we talked about the changes that were about to take place in our lives and how this newest member of our family would be loved unconditionally as our children were when we held them minutes after they arrived into this world, and into our family.
My husband and I talked about being the kind of grandparents our parents were to our children. Our children were surrounded by hugs and kisses, tucked in at bedtime with stories of the “Olden Days”, and family traditions. We were about to be handed the torch that has been passed from generation to generation by the grandparents before us.
We are a family of celebrating moments and even transitions. We celebrate when our children graduate from high school, college, leaving the nest, first apartment, engagements, weddings, and then baby announcements.
Every Christmas has been what child is going to make a new announcement?
But we quietly celebrate the transition into becoming grandparents on our own. Our celebrationĀ doesn’t come with showers or parties, but a quiet moment of reflection about our journey as parents. My husband of 30 years has been a wonderful role model for our children and has given us a wonderful life.
I have given birth to 4 children, taught them to be kind and respectful to others, and taught them to be grateful for the life they were given, not entitled. I helped them with school work, attended their sporting events, school plays, then watched them head off to college, graduate only to return to the nest to get theirĀ bearings before they once again flew off. One child, my son Michael, married last June to the wonderful sweet JenniferĀ is now a father and IĀ instantly became a grandmother.
Yes, we finally have a Grandparents Day ( who in the hell petitionedĀ CongressĀ for that holiday?) but we don’t really celebrate the closing of one chapter with the openingĀ of the next new chapter in our lives.
Being a Nana changes so many things in my life. I am comfortable advising my children on what to do as they lived under my roof, but I need to step away and watch them from a distance as a grandparent. I am their support system, but I am not going to be the mother of their children. My children will make rules that I will follow and respect, as my parents respected our rules.
I don’t think I ever had a conversation with any parent ( our children’s grandparents) that what they did or said to our children was unacceptable. I only hope that my husband and I will respect the parenting rules set forth by my children and that we become the adored Nana and Poppa that our little grandchildren can’tĀ wait to visit.
It will be interesting to see how Bruno will react to the new baby in our family. He’s going to have a new chapter in his life too.
The Outfit I wore to Dinner:
We celebrated the next chapter in our lives at our favorite restaurant on the island, Ombra. This dress is so comfortable and looks so elegant on me. I wore a medium and it also comes in black. I wore the navy sandals I wore at my son’s reception last summer and the sea glass chandelier earrings which are becoming my favorite go-to pair.
My husband and I very excited about the next chapter and are already shopping for baby items for our home. We want our grandchildren to enjoy our home like it was the most wonderful place to visit. I already envision a swingset or a playhouse in our backyard.
Even in the hospital, the gift shop was brimming with “Nana Bait” pulling me inside to purchase her a little Gator dress ( Dad went to the University ofĀ Florida.) We are officially grandparents.
I wonder if this little girl already knows how much her Nana and Poppa love her. Our hearts are bursting with unconditional love for her and I can’t wait to begin the next chapter in motherhood with her!
Shop the Look
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Thanks for stopping by!
Are you already in the next chapter of motherhood? I would love to hear your experiences about being a grandmother!
A special thank you to Soft Surroundings for the wonderful collaboration.
They embrace the over 50ish women who are living life at full throttle and living it well!
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Robin … your enthusiasm is wonderful — and contagious! And, yes, being a grandparent is sensational! I have 7 grands and they each bring such joy and fun into our lives. And, like you, we bake together a lot and I am waiting for the time when they push me out of the kitchen and make all my recipes better than me!
I am so HAPPY that you stopped by and commented Karen!
Now you see what I have been doing these past 6 years along with my interior design business.
Celebrating midlife and the joys that go with it is why I began writing.
Isn’t being a grandmother the best!
Congratulations Robin on becoming a Grandmother! What a precious picture and head of hair. My mom became a new grandma 6 months ago, as my brother and his wife just had a baby. We receive pictures daily via text and it is exciting. Wonderful post, wishing you and your family the best! I love your dress, the color is outstanding on you and I love larger print florals as well. The necklace will remind you of the shore, as it is perfect with your coloring!
Have a great week!
jess xx
Thank you friend for your well wishes.
Yes, this dress from Soft Surroundings is a perfect summer dress and I love the colors too!
I bet your mother just loves that little baby! Grandmahood is going to be magical!
cute baby
Thank you Isabella!