Reflections from 2016

Happy New Year!
I am filled with gratitude and reflection as I have spent the last week reflecting on what I want to accomplish with my Β “Hello I’m 50ish” blog.
When I started this blog last spring my intention was to share my knowledge as a professional interior designer whose clients are mostly over 50, share my own fashion style as a 50ish woman, and to show other 50ish women that being middle age isn’t Β a moment in our life where we stop caring about how we look, because our bodies morphed during menopause, or our significant others wonder what happened to the woman they used to know.
We’re different now, but we’re also embracing life after 50.
I have learned a lot this past year by observing others in the blogosphere.
I am a professional interior designer, what do I know about writing a fashion and lifestyle blog? I learned that writing any type of blog where you are considered an influencer takes time, 3-4 posts a week, and a really good camera or a photographer. Then if you are lucky you get sponsors and people send you things because they want you to write about them! Amazing!
I have learned so much in 2016 by watching, following, and reading blogs by women who appeal to me and their journeys as 50ish women. We do lead such amazingly strong lives with a strong sense of self. Have you seen us?
I have shared my blog with my clients over 50 and they are so excited that I have decided to Β share more interior design solutions for people over 50. They know shelter magazines Β lack featuring interiors with universal design or aging in place solutions because their readership is focused on youth and beautiful interiors, but my client’s homes are very beautiful and very youthful.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
In the real world, interior designers, architects, and builders are creating “Forever Homes”Β because we plan on staying in our homes forever.
Baby boomers make up Β the largest population (followed by millennials) and to not address the needs of my generation with stylish and functional design solutions for their homes would be a disservice as an interior designer.
My intention for 2017 Β is to share more knowledge as an interior designer creating livable homes for over 50, share my lifestyle moments, my fashion style , and my travels to destinations on my bucket list.
I hope you will be patient with me because I may only post once a week or less,(I am a working woman!) but IΒ hope you find what I write is of value to you as a 50ish woman!
With gratitude,
Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:
Hello Robin!
I love your blog. I’ll be joining the 50 club this year!
Thank you Sylvia!
I’m glad you like it!
Happy New Year!