Holiday Decor: 2014 Christmas Holiday Home Tour

Christmas Holiday Tour
Happy Holidays!
I am finished with all my design projects for the year and looking forward to the rest of December spending time with my family and friends.

My home getsΒ decoratedΒ in early November because I decorated the library for the 2014 Christmas at Callanwolde event in Atlanta the week of Thanksgiving and we entertained 24 people for Thanksgiving. Just doing those two projects was hectic enough, IΒ didn’tΒ need to worry about my own home. No one sees it but the Fedex guy and my family anyway. My family loved seeing my home in all it’s holiday glory. We don’t spendΒ ChristmasΒ together, so this makes it special.

I have collected so much Christmas decor from doing holiday showhouses (we buy the holiday decor we put in the rooms and the decor comes home if it doesn’t sell) that my home is a walking Christmas tour of past Christmas Showhouses!

Look familiar? This was the USGA Golf museum I decorated in Far Hills, New Jersey. This decor now graces my sitting room…
USGA Golf Museum

Welcome to my home!

The first rooms that greet my visitors are the sitting room off the foyer, living room, and my dining room because I have an open floor plan.
small living room off the foyer

Nutcrackers and Santas adorn my bookcase in the sitting room.Who knew each shelf would be a perfect spot for my collections! Spot on!

Christmas decor on bookshelf

This little nutcracker watches over my cows…
nutcracker watching over my cows on the shelf

Each room has it’s own color scheme, and the living room is sparsely decorated this year, but no worries, the Christmas at Callanwolde decorations for this year’s event will make me get another Christmas tree just for the living room! I know exactly where that tree will go!

living room

The dining room is my favorite room to decorate because it has a color theme based on the Fairchild art behind it in the gallery hall.Corals, bronze, and copper are the main colors. The gift box on the table was a decoupage project I did 10 years ago. Santa plays his violin among the Murano glassware we brought back from Venice.
Christmas decorated dining room

close up of Santa and the gift box

The floating server has about 100 silk holiday floral picks that once graced a swag I had in my prior home in New Jersey, but the glass columns are now in the living room and I made one very large floralΒ centerpieceΒ out of all the picks.

Christmas Past-ChristmasΒ swag in the dining room in New Jersey.

Christmas past- swag in the dining room
Christmas Present-The large centerpiece or what I would call a deconstructed swag!

Christmas present- deconstructed swag in my dining room

We wander into my kitchen which is open to the modern kitchen and family room so my decor goes from very traditional to a moreΒ contemporaryΒ fun decor. I love mixing design styles. This table is set very simply with greens,antique bowl filled with ornaments. Creating a large centerpiece prohibits conversation.

kitchen table ready for Christmas

Β Or I decorate my kitchen table with my sweet little snowmen sitting on 2 boxes. Glue gun project done in 30 minutes. This is my favorite project.

snowmen table setting

Christmas Present-The dining terrace has my old kitchen table and tree. Still set like it was in New Jersey. But it is now outside in warmer Atlanta. Each Christmas stocking was made by me for our family of six. They do not fit the decor of the modern Β family room, but work perfectly on this slate floor, more rustic porch. They are still filled with gifts from Santa every Christmas. He knows where stockings are hung…….

Christmas Porch

Christmas Past- Table in my prior home.Love trees by a table in the kitchen! Also don’t forget to decorate chandeliers if they are anchored properly!

Christmas decor in the kitchen

Last stop is my family room decorated in blues and greens and a bit more modern.

Blue green Christmas family room
The tree has a collection of ornaments given to our 4 children every Christmas which in turn will be given to them when they marry and start their own family traditions.Β 

Christmas tree in family room

This room has little fairies sitting watch on my fireplace mantel which is adorned with floral picks and ornaments.

Christmas fairy on the fireplace mantel

Christmas fairy

Misfit and broken ornaments get a special table alongside family photos of Christmas past.

And if you need to see me giving you a tour of my home, you can watch it below or on YouTube!

Follow me onΒ Instagram,Β Twitter,Β FaceBook,Β Houzz,LinkedIn, andΒ PinterestΒ too!

Get your merry on!

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