Girls Night Out: The Book Club

Ladies, do you enjoy getting together with your girlfriends for a girls night out? Maybe you get together to go out for dinner, go to the movies, perhaps play cards, or do you belong to a book club?
This post is inspired by the movie, The Book Club. I won’t give away a lot of the movie’s storyline, but the storyline involves 4 over 60ish BFFs that get together for a monthly book club and lots of wine.
The book selected by Jane Fonda’s character Vivian is “50 Shades of Grey” by E.L. James (which yours truly read on my iPad because I didn’t want anyone seeing the book I was reading while I was flying. I didn’t want complete strangers to judge me. So don’t judge me now if you think less of me. That book caused me to do so much Googling research on what the heck Christian Grey was doing to Anatasia that I learned I am very happy having vanilla sex. Read the book, that’s a phrase in it. If I was Anastasia I would have quickly told my billionaire boy toy that my safe words would be, No F’in Way!” )
The movie was about baby boomer women dealing with their sexuality, their relationships with the men in their lives, and the belief that they still have so much more life to live.
I loved how the movie dealt with women dating after midlife and how relationships change in long marriages. I have been married for almost 31 years and my relationship has changed with my husband as we head into our “Golden Years.” My husband will soon retire and wants to travel a lot while I still envision myself working or at least doing something to keep me busy.
We had a long discussion on what our expectations were because if you stop talking you may end up on separate paths. My husband knows that I plan to write for as long as you enjoy reading my blogs and I treat my blog as a business. I have to work at this and market this business. I have no idea how long I will be an interior designer but for now, I am a very good interior designer and these 2 jobs keep me very busy. I have made a promise to him that I stop working at 5:00 ( interior design and blogging) which is something I need to do for our relationship.
I cannot even begin to imagine what it must feel like being a single woman over 50ish looking for a relationship. How do women find men who are interested in us after midlife? Most men tend to date younger women and as a 50ish single woman finding a man who finds us attractive and witty is a rarity. Do you go to the bars or do you try out online dating as Candace Bergen’s character, Sharon, hilariously did in the movie? I read this wonderful blog post last week (perfect timing!) about online dating by Brenda Coffee of 1010 Park Place. I love following Brenda’s blog and I’m sure you will enjoy following her too!
Find Your Tribe
I think it’s important to connect with women outside of your family and have girlfriends to do activities with on a weekly or monthly basis. My mother who is single has a very active social calendar at the age of 83 ( who happened to see the Book Club twice with her 80ish BFFs) and it’s really healthy for people to stay active after midlife. We go through so many changes after midlife, menopause, loss of a job, loss of a spouse, and if you don’t have an active social life you may find yourself depressed. There is a truth about getting up, getting dressed, and getting out every day.
I have a business tribe of interior designers and fellow bloggers I reach out to on a monthly basis to connect and ask questions about the business of design or blogging 101. We support each other and help each other grow our businesses. It’s not a competition which is what I like about these women in my tribe.
I don’t belong to a book club or play cards with women but I play golf with a wonderful group of over 50ish women every Wednesday and I have found my golf tribe. It’s important to have a tribe of women who support you and share your interests after midlife.
That is why I started to write my lifestyle blog was to connect with women my age. We are so vibrant and have so much more to look forward to after midlife.
Our best years are ahead of us and maybe that should be the new terminology for the “Golden Years”!
A few of my golf tribe and I saw the movie together last week and went out for dinner afterward to discuss the movie. They all loved the movie and none of them had read the book, except me. They were surprised that I had read all 3 books and wanted to know why I did. I told them honestly and they told me why they didn’t. Let’s just say I’m keeping it under my hat.
The Outfit
The top, the necklace, the pants, and the earrings were gifts from my daughter Lisa for Mother’s Day. I had the wrap and loved how my new favorite straw hat from Savannah looked with the outfit. I always carry a wrap when I go to the movies or out to dinner. I can never tell how cold it will be until I get there.
Shop the Look
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Thank you for stopping by today!
Have you seen the movie yet?
I would love to know what you thought about it!
The post contains affiliate links which may generate income for Hello I’m 50ish.
Loved this post and I think you’re so right…. staying connected with other women as we get older is really important. I’m really lucky. I have a group of friends who I met originally as a Mom and new baby group about 15 years ago and even though our kids are all teenagers now, we’ve stayed friends and get together every few weeks. I look forward to those days with those women more than just about anything else. I also just started blogging for similar reasons as you talked about. I’m looking for a community and I also like having a form of self expression. I’m finding it fun and it’s something just for me.
I love having a tribe of women who are honest and authentic about the ups and downs we face after midlife.
Surround yourself with the best and your journey will be blessed.
Hi Robin
I enjoyed your post! I have yet to see the movie, somehow i am not sure hubby would be interested in it! hehe. It looks relateable and also funny. I commend you and the other ladies who work a full time job and blog as well! Becuase of my EDS, I work mainly on the blog, and it takes alot of my time. I understand the agreement you have with your hubby- after 5. My hubby works from home as an IT Guru, so we are both on the computer often. I think it is imperative to talk about expectations .
I think it is important to have friends/girlfriends who can talk about issues that we experience. I love being a part of the Fierce fifty too,for that reason.
Your outfit is so pretty on you! I love the ease and style of your outfit and your wrap is lovely! Perfect for the chilly airconditioning in the summer.
Enjoy your weekend!
jess xx
I am so happy you enjoyed the post!
Yes, I treat my blog like a business and I have office hours from 8-5.
Sometimes I stay off of Instagram on weekends because of family commitments so I fail at posting daily.
You will enjoy the movie and yes, your husband will probably not be interested in going to see it.
Robin, the book club is a great idea, especially for Summer days. Love this cozy, breezy, stylish look. Beautiful colors, too. =)
The first Sunday of each month I co-host a linkup with Chrissy and Kellyann so please join this month’s “The Sunday Showcase” (linked below) and welcome by each Thursday for my style linkup. Thanks and Happy June, Ada. =)
Thank you Ada!
I will join your link up!
You are precious and I loved reading! I’ve only been married for 17 years to my current husband but totally can see us growing old together…and I’m 100% happy he’s totally cool with vanilla sex! haha
Thanks for linking up with Ageless Style!
Shelly | The Queen in Between
Thank you for the link up and for leaving a comment today!
Here’s to all the men who love us for not installing a red room!
Robin, You’re right when you say we have so much living left to do. And it’s not always easy after we’ve lost a spouse, are empty nesters or have gone through something like breast cancer. We must find ways to lift ourselves up… if needed, and find a tribe of like-minded women who will lift us up and we lift them in return. Thanks for linking to my blog about online dating… It’s been an interesting two weeks! We’ll see how much longer I want to hang in there. I’m happy I’ve discovered your blog! Brenda
I couldn’t agree more! Having a tribe of wonderful woman by your side is critically important! I plan to see the movie with my mom and yes, I read all three books on my Kindle. 😂
I am so happy you and Hilda read all 3 books!
I was beginning to think I was the only one!
I enjoy your blog posts so I hope you write another one as a follow up to your online dating post.
It’s true we are very lucky to have a tribe of women who suppports us in the good times and the bad.
I find as we get older,we need a tribe of women who are not family members because they won’t be the ones rushing to buy us a walk in bathtub when we don’t need it yet.
I read all three books too on my kindle..would have hated to think I was missing out on something …x Looking forward to seeing the movie.
You will truly enjoy the movie!
Even women who never read all 3 books ( we never judge!) will enjoy the movie!
I enjoyed the fact you read the books on your kindle my sweet friend!
Two peas in a pod!
Hugs across the ocean!