Hats Off to Summer

Can you believe this weekend officially kicks off summer? Summer is my favorite season and I look forward to being outdoors, golfing, and swimming. We entertain a lot in the summer because our family enjoys swimming in our pool and grilling out. It also means wearing a hat and protecting my face from the sun. After years of sun worshipping, I am very aware that my face is showing signs of sun damage. I am investing in good skincare but I am now covering my face more with hats.
I just shared a post with you on Savannah and this entire outfit was purchased on my girl’s weekend. I only wear hats in the summer and immediately knew this little gem was going home with me!
Hats, like sunglasses, hide imperfections when we venture out into the public. No makeup, no problem. Terrible hair, hide it under a hat.
Are you a celebrity? Hide your identityΒ under a hat. (We still know who you are.)
Hats like jewelryΒ are accessories to be worn year-round for special occasions or in my case, extra sun protection.
I have seen myΒ skin age over the years to sun exposure and IΒ know I need to be diligent about protecting my face. I wear hats more as a 50ish woman thanΒ I did in my youth.
Hats should make you feel beautiful when you put them on, except if you’reΒ gardening or using them for sun protection. When I tried on this raffia cowboy hat from Carol’s in Savannah, I felt beautiful and sexy as a 60ish woman. The little dip in the front sealed the deal.
I enjoy shopping localΒ when I’m on vacation and I purchased the top and earrings from Folklorico to go with the hat. The earrings were made by a local Savannah artist!
Ladies, have you seen the fashionistas who drop a sleeve when styling a look? I did this for the next couple of shots and I found that my tunic styled as a jacket looked better than shooting it straight on. Seriously, I look like the tunic is half on and half off. What’s your opinion on how women stylize their photos on social media? I respect your opinion before the strange men start making comments and I have toΒ delete them!
So my darling friends, do you wear hats in the summer to protect your face and your skin from sun damage or do you wear hats because they make you look fabulous?
I would love to know!
Hats off to summer my wonderful friends!!!
Today I am joined with 6 of my FabulousΒ Original Fierce 50 sisters as we share 7 Ways to Elevate Your Style with Hats and IΒ hope you are following them all!
- Suzanne from Ask Suzanne BellΒ
- Β Wendy fromΒ Fashion Over Fifty
- Hilda from Over the Hilda
- Eugenia from The Age of Grace
- Julie from Fashion, Friends, and Trends
- Nina from Sharing A Journey
Thanks for stopping by today!
I like the wear, Robin!
Nice hat too π xo
I love your whole look! You wear hats so well! I also like how you styled the tunic both closed and open. The pop of orange really makes a great statement! I love to see how everyone posed and styles their looks…I know it’s not so easy and especially a challenge for me! We should be able to “flash a shoulder” whenever we please!
Julie xo
Thank you for your sweet compliments!
Yes this was a wonderful collaboration with you and I look forward to the next one!
Robin …great colour co-ordinating. That green is super on you. I am going to try this dropping a sleeve lark too..love flashing one shoulder. I have begun to wear hats more in the last few years as a fashion accessory and in the summer also to protect against the sun…
It is always fun getting comments from you my dear friend!
Yes, dropping a sleeve has become popular on Instagram with the fashionistas and I wonder what comments I will have when I flash a sdhoulder today on Instagram!
As always my friend thank you for commenting!