Follow Friday: Meet Michele Clark

Ladies, I have a special spot in my heart for the Jersey Girls I left behind in 2012 when I decided that I needed a warmer climate. I left my interior design friends, my husband’s large Italian family, and wonderful friends in Basking Ridge when we relocated to Atlanta.  I had no idea that being on Instagram and Facebook would introduce me to wonderful women who support me on a daily basis and we have never met. Today I have the honor of introducing you to my Instagram friend, Michele Clark from Rockaway, New Jersey.

I started following Michele on Instagram 2 years ago and noticed she was an Ethical Fashion Influencer. What is an ethical fashion influencer you might ask?

Michele is a kindergarten teacher and mother of 2 beautiful girls who is also part of a growing community of women who prefer to purchase their clothes through thrifting  or purchasing their clothes from brands that are either ethical or upcycling.

To put it simply, Upcycling is a form of recycling. Upcycled clothing is a great way to spruce up old worn out or damaged materials into brand spanking new pieces. Like ethical and sustainable fashion, it has a few names, such as: repurposed clothing, reused clothing and recycled clothing.

Ethical Fashion is an umbrella term to describe ethical fashion design, production, retail, and purchasing. It covers a range of issues such as working conditions, exploitation, fair trade, sustainable production, the environment, and animal welfare.

Many sustainable / eco-focused influencers have been leading the charge and have been working to create exposure and avenues to purchase more consciously.

As an interior designer, I practice sustainable design as to lessen the impact on the environment minimally and connect people with the natural environment.

Every day Michele is showcasing her outfits that she purchased through thrifting or that she purchased from an ethical brand. Did you know Eileen Fisher is an industry leader in ethical and sustainable fashion?

I love how Michele has a different approach to her fashion style and I loved learning more about why people are investing in saving our environment by purchasing upcycled and thrifted clothes.

It’s good fashion responsibility to recognize the waste and the environmental impact fast fashion has on our earth.

While you ponder this question I will let the Boss entertain you.




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  1. shelbeeontheedge1 says:

    I had the great fortune of meeting Michele in NYC at a Forever Fierce event. And my word, we laughed. A lot. She is really quite fabulous in person! Now if I only I could make my way back down the NYC or NJ to meet up with all of my fab blogger friends again. But alas, I am buried in snow! Great post!


  2. overthehilda says:

    I admire Michele’s thrifting finds. I am pretty hopeless at it.

  3. Like Jodi, I would love to meet Michelle in person. I am a big follower and love to participate in her #thriftedchicstylechallenge on IG as I too am a big fan of thrift shopping and thrifted chic style. Have followed her for years!

  4. closetplayimage says:

    I’m sure I’ll find it after I post this, but what is Michele’s IG handle? There are a ton of Michele Clarks… I’d love to follow!

  5. Robin,
    I have several friends who practice thrifty and upcycling. They have lots of fun treasure hunting. Never know what you might find!
    I too have enjoyed follow Michele on Instagram. She has a great feed!